Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Charities aim to end sleep poverty in kids


HAVING your own bed is something most folk take for granted – but many Dundee children are without that luxury.

Now however, more of them will have a bed to call their own thanks to a campaign by leading local charities.

Beds for Bairns aims to reduce what’s known as child sleep poverty in the city by providing beds for families who can’t afford to buy them.

Help for Kids and Dundee Bairns have been given £20,000 by Hillcrest Foundation to ensure Dundee children can have a good night’s sleep.

Some parents give up their own beds for children or families share the one bed they own.

Catherine McBennett, a family developmen­t worker at Claypotts Castle Primary School, said: “Lots of families in Dundee live in overcrowde­d houses.

“When a toddler grows out of their cot, families who are struggling to make ends meet day-in, day-out need to find a significan­t amount of money to buy a bed and mattress.

“This is out of the reach of many people and can often mean that parents give up their bedrooms for their kids and they sleep on the sofa in the living room.

“Other families sleep together with their children in the one bed they have in their home.

“We know how much happier and healthier well-rested children are.

“All children should have their own bed, giving them the best chance to wake up rested and ready for the day ahead.”

Almost a third (30%) of Dundee children live in poverty, according to the most recent Fair Start Scotland evaluation report.

Many experience poor sleep conditions and sleep deprivatio­n

as a result and this can impact on their ability to learn at school.

Lesley Don, Hillcrest Foundation director of corporate services and a co-founder of the campaign, said: “This is a really worrying statistic and we want to do what we can to help reduce sleep poverty in the Dundee area.

“We are pleased to be working in collaborat­ion with our partners Dundee Bairns and Help for Kids on this campaign and the aim is to purchase and deliver bedding supplies for families that are referred for support.”

Hillcrest Foundation, which funds projects to improve the lives of those experienci­ng financial hardship or disadvanta­ge across Scotland, hopes Beds for Bairns can be replicated in other areas it operates in.

Sleep has massive implicatio­ns on a child’s growth, developmen­t, behaviour and mental health, all of which can affect their education and ability to thrive.

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Chris van der Kuyl, a Hillcrest Foundation ambassador, said: “I would encourage organisati­ons to support this important initiative with a view to its expansion into other Scottish cities experienci­ng high levels of poverty.”

Help for Kids manager Stacey Wallace said: “The Hillcrest Foundation funds will enable us to purchase new beds and supplies for the families in Dundee that really need practical support.”

And Genna Millar, of Dundee Bairns, said no child should go without the basics they need to fulfil their potential.

She said: “Sleep has massive implicatio­ns on a child’s growth, developmen­t, behaviour and mental health, all of which can impact their education and ability to thrive.

“This is a vital new project which will help us tackle the huge issue of bed poverty and hopefully help bridge the gap for families who face financial barriers in fulfilling a basic, but extremely vital need.”

 ?? ?? BEDS: At the launch of the initiative were, from left : Clare McNally from the Hillcrest Foundation and Stacey Wallace of Help for Kids. Rear, from left: Jacquie Roberts and Genna Millar of Dundee Bairns, Lesley Don of the Hillcrest Foundation and Derek Miller from Help for Kids.
BEDS: At the launch of the initiative were, from left : Clare McNally from the Hillcrest Foundation and Stacey Wallace of Help for Kids. Rear, from left: Jacquie Roberts and Genna Millar of Dundee Bairns, Lesley Don of the Hillcrest Foundation and Derek Miller from Help for Kids.

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