Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Pools closure not linked to repairs


DUNDEE leisure chiefs say the latest closure of two Olympia swimming pools is not linked to recent repairs at the centre.

Last week, the Tele revealed that more repair work was needed after a metal rod fell and nearly hit swimmers.

The leisure and toddler pools were forced to shut after a piece of the frame that supports the red flume became “detached”.

The incident came less than two months after the Olympia reopened following a two-year closure for £6 million worth of repairs.

Lib Dem councillor Fraser Macpherson contacted the council’s head of design and property services Neil Martin to ask for more details about this latest closure.

Councillor Macpherson said: “It is vital that going forward, all of Olympia’s facilities are available for public use at all times.”

Mr Martin replied: “These elements of the flumes were not part of the refurbishm­ent and upgrade works recently completed, therefore, the contractor and supply chain involved in the works are not directly associated to this issue.

“There was a failure of the water supply pipe to the red flume. The pipe is suspended from the underside of the flume launch pad.

“The failure is believed to have been caused by vibration in the pipe, possibly by a water surge or temporary disruption in flow.

“Consequent­ly, the pipe fractured. The flume had to be turned off as a result.

“As a direct consequenc­e of the red flume supply pipe failure, the jolt to the pipe and bracket supports has caused the support rod to move out of line.

“This wouldn’t occur under normal operation and is due to the recent burst rather than a poolwide issue.

“The contractor and relevant suppliers, although not involved directly with this issue, are working with the council to rectify this as quickly as possible.”

A timescale for the latest repairs has not been confirmed.

After details of the latest closure emerged, readers of The EE hit out – with one claiming Dundee “is a progressiv­ely worse place to live”.

A petition calling for an inquiry into the Olympia saga has been launched.

 ?? ?? OLYMPIA: The incident came less than two months after the centre reopened following a two-year closure for £6m worth of repairs.
OLYMPIA: The incident came less than two months after the centre reopened following a two-year closure for £6m worth of repairs.
 ?? ?? Fraser Macpherson.
Fraser Macpherson.

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