Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Paedophile had three ‘vulnerable’ children in home


POLICE found three missing children at a convicted sex offender’s home in Dundee.

Officers raided Ryan Scott’s flat in Ballindean Road on April 9 last year, following concerns the “high risk” children were holed up in inside.

Scott, 21, admitted sexually abusing one of the children when he appeared at Dundee Sheriff Court.

Just a month before the raid, Scott had been given a child contact ban after he lured a schoolgirl back to a Dundee flat to engage in sexual activity on Valentine’s Day, despite knowing his victim was only 14.

Scott, also known as Coral Scott, admitted that on April 8 and 9 last year, he engaged in sexual activity towards a 14-year-old child by kissing her on the face.

Fiscal depute Charmaine Gilmartin told Dundee Sheriff Court that Scott has previous conviction­s for violence and threatenin­g or abusive behaviour.

In February 2023, he was placed on the sex offenders register for three years.

Ms Gilmartin said: “At 12pm on April 9 2023 officers attended the accused’s address as they had reason to believe three children deemed high-risk missing persons were potentiall­y at the address.”

Police knocked at the door and got no answer.

After carrying out door-to-door inquiries, officers were told Scott had been seen with three other people.

Officers called a joiner to help force entry, but Scott eventually came to the door as it was being unlocked.

“The three children were in the house,” Ms Gilmartin continued.

“All three were under 16 and were taken to Seymour House.”

At the integrated child protection facility, social workers and public protection police officers spoke to them.

Two of the children disclosed that there had been sexual activity between Scott and the third child.

The third child explained she and Scott had kissed.

Solicitor Morgan Day asked her

client, who is remanded in HMP YOI Polmont, be granted bail for the pre-sentencing reports to be prepared.

Ms Day explained Scott had spent a “significan­t period on remand,” having been behind bars since appearing in court two days after police raided the flat.

She said: “A report will be required in relation to this particular matter.

“I am instructed to seek liberation on bail for the preparatio­n of reports.

“My client does understand however that liberation may not be an option at this moment in time.” This motion was refused.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael

deferred sentencing for reports until March 8 and continued former trainee painter and decorator Scott’s remand.

Scott had only been at liberty for around a month before he committed this latest offence.

He previously admitted using fake social media accounts to target an earlier victim months after initially meeting on Snapchat.

Scott met that child on Valentine’s Day 2022 outside the McManus gallery and museum in Dundee city centre and got a bus back to his flat.

They kissed, despite Scott’s friend later telling police the abuser was well aware the victim was only 14.

 ?? ?? REMANDED: Ryan, aka Coral, Scott, 21, admitted kissing a girl aged 14.
REMANDED: Ryan, aka Coral, Scott, 21, admitted kissing a girl aged 14.

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