Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Main relishing new challenge with the Dee

Frontman hopes for warm reception on Paisley return


CURTIS Main is unsure what kind of reception he’ll get from St Mirren fans tonight.

The 31-year-old spent two happy seasons in Paisley, playing a key role last term in their first top-six finish since 1985.

He left in the summer to try a new adventure out in India but after six months and only eight appearance­s at Bengaluru he was heading back to the UK.

The chance was there to return to the Buddies.

However, he chose to join Dundee and will report to the SMISA Stadium this evening in dark blue rather than black and white stripes.

“I had a conversati­on. It was something that was there initially,” Main said of possibly rejoining St Mirren last month.

“But I’d left on a good note and I think sometimes when you go back to places sometimes you can maybe taint that.

“I did really enjoy my time there and part of me did want to go back. But on the flipside I didn’t want to go back and it not go as well as it did previously.

“I was after a new challenge, a different environmen­t.

“I wanted to test myself somewhere else and when I spoke to the manager at Dundee this was the option that really stood out.”

A major part of the stand-out Dens Park offer was boss Tony Docherty.

The 53-year-old was stepping into his first role as a manager after a long time as Derek McInnes’s No 2.

Docherty tried to sign Main in the summer – the two had previously worked together at Aberdeen – but the move to India was already confirmed.

But he didn’t wait around when news of his return in January reached the ears of the Dens Park gaffer.

“That was one of the big reasons for me coming, having that relationsh­ip with the manager,” Main said.

“I had a great relationsh­ip with him at Aberdeen and, when he called, it was something I was interested in.

“He knows what he gets out of me and I know what I’m getting from him.

“Knowing Tony Docherty like I do, it’s no surprise things have started off really well here.

“We are strengthen­ing all the time so hopefully we can finish this season strong and then build on that.

“Really take it up a gear next season as well.”

Getting into the team, though, has been no easy task for Main.

Despite his considerab­le experience in the Premiershi­p, he is yet to start a game for his new club.

Match fitness has been an issue after few games at Bengaluru but also the form of strikers Amadou Bakayoko, Zach Robinson and Michael Mellon.

Main is hoping he can get a chance to shine at his old club tonight.

“I’m feeling really good now, training has been going well,” the big striker added.

“The team has been doing well and from day one I’ve been aware the squad, not just the team, but the squad is a really talented squad.

“There is good quality throughout so it’s difficult to get in.

“I’m relishing that challenge.” Starting or on the bench, Main will be the focus of many at St Mirren this evening.

But will it be a friendly reception or a hostile one?

“I’m not actually sure. I guess we’ll find out,” Main said.

“I really enjoyed my time there, I have nothing but good memories from St Mirren.

“I have no issues going back and hopefully they have no issues the other way.”

 ?? ?? Tony Docherty worked with Curtis Main at Aberdeen.
Tony Docherty worked with Curtis Main at Aberdeen.
 ?? ?? FAMILIAR FOE: Curtis Main spent two years at St Mirren.
FAMILIAR FOE: Curtis Main spent two years at St Mirren.

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