Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Backing for drive to report child sex abuse


THE Dundee Child Protection Committee is backing a new campaign that urges the public to act immediatel­y on signs of child sex abuse.

The campaign, entitled What If You’re Right?, is designed to encourage people to take immediate action if they suspect a child is being sexually abused.

The campaign is designed with input from adult survivors of sexual abuse from across Scotland.

Elaine Torrance, chairwoman of the Dundee Child Protection Committee, repeated the campaign’s plea not to ignore instances of abuse.

“We listened to many adult survivors of child sexual abuse as we developed this campaign,” she said.

“They were all clear that sexual abuse is not only horrendous at the time it is happening, but it can also cause lifelong physical and emotional damage.”

Those running it understand that it can be tough to act on a gut feeling but Ms Torrance is clear immediate action is essential.

“It’s everyone’s job to keep children safe from harm, and we all need to play our part to help limit the long-term damage child sexual abuse can cause,” she said.

“Don’t wait for someone else to take action, report concerns yourself.

“Yes, it can be scary to speak up, but we need to be brave and not ignore signs that there’s a potential problem.”

Child Protection Committees Scotland has partnered with Barnardo’s Scotland to deliver the new campaign.

Ms Torrance concluded by saying: “Anyone who is worried that a child might be being sexually abused can visit the Child Protection Scotland website for informatio­n about how to take action, or contact the local child protection team.

“If you fear that a child is in immediate danger, you should call Police Scotland right away.”

Dundee’s Child Protection Line is available by calling 307999.

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