Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Just a YES or a NO, OK Bill?

- I REFER to the letter of December 6 written by Bill Lumsden.

Here, in a moderate way, he criticised protagonis­ts who lock horns mainly over political matters and to quote him: “I have become a bit weary of all the political infighting in its columns.”

I can see your point of view Bill, but if Scotland had a half-decent administra­tion in Holyrood, it is almost certain there would be less criticism aired courtesy of the media and in “our” case the Tele.

I don’t agree where you state column space has to be shared equally on local (Dundee City) matters. City issues do get their fair share of coverage but in many cases it highlights what we don’t want to be reading about. Drugs, crime, a council which wastes money needlessly.

Why don’t you join the gang and get hooked one way or another?

I would be most interested to read what you have to say about the autocratic, leftleanin­g political SNP, propped up by a politicall­y clueless Scottish Green Party.

Correspond­ents like Jenny, KS, J Hart, Denis Grattan,

J Reid and myself criticise justifiabl­y in our opinions.

Just for once I would ask you for a YES or NO answer to the following questions.

1. Do you believe Michael Matheson’s iPad roaming charges claim for £11,000 were of a criminal nature and that he lied consistent­ly as the issue grew in intensity?

2. Given that the first minister has stated Matheson had not committed any crime and had made mistakes and the matter was closed, does this not indicate that Mr

Yousaf took a dictatoria­l role and had advised, encouraged, counselled, aided and abetted what was clearly a crime of dishonesty by his health minister.

3. Does this not amount to blatantly trying to mislead Parliament?

Incidental­ly, in legal terms, he has at least one “previous conviction” for a similar impropriet­y on his part.

4. The new chief constable of Police Scotland has requested an extra £128 million in funding for the forthcomin­g financial year otherwise there will be a swathe of cuts.

Would you accede to what is a legitimate request or would you refuse on the grounds it is not affordable?

5. Do you believe the

Scottish Government’s setting aside of over £20m to find ways to gain independen­ce was a waste of Scottish taxpayers’ money?

Only YES or NO.

By the way, there are a handful of excellent SNP MPs but there are many I simply would never vote for.

As for your Real Turkish

Bath “wee starter”. I may just give it a try!

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