Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Yob beat up old pal then said ‘sorry’


A THUG smashed his friend’s eye socket then told his victim he “felt s **** ” about it.

Derek Alland, 29, sent messages to apologise to lifelong friend Steven Cameron for leaving him severely injured in a drink-fuelled attack.

He told Mr Cameron: “I must have been hitting you hard. I’m sorry man,” adding he “felt s **** ” about what had happened.

Alland admitted repeatedly punching Mr Cameron to his severe injury in Uist Terrace, Dundee, in October 2020.

At Dundee Sheriff Court, Sheriff Paul Brown sentenced him to a year in prison and Alland replied: “Thanks very much Sheriff Brown. Is that all?”

The concurrent term was imposed a week after Alland, from Dundee, was jailed for six years and eight months at the High Court in Edinburgh for attacking a man in his home with a samurai sword while on five bail orders.

He hit Lee Gray over the head with a bottle before repeatedly punching and stamping on him in the attack last February in Dundee.

Judge Lady Poole told Alland: “It must have been a terrifying experience for your victim, as well as his partner who was in the flat at the time.

“Given your previous record and the nature of the offences before the court, custodial sentences are inevitable.”

Alland admitted assaulting Mr Gray to his severe injury, permanent disfigurem­ent and to the danger of life at Hilltown Court. He also admitted assaulting Detective Constable Darren Suttie by spitting at him at Dundee police headquarte­rs after the sword attack.

Alland will be supervised for three years after his release. Defence solicitor advocate Iain Paterson told the court that Alland described himself as “very, very drunk” at the time of the offences.

 ?? ?? SENTENCE: Derek Alland, already jailed for sword assault, got a year for the attack.
SENTENCE: Derek Alland, already jailed for sword assault, got a year for the attack.

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