Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Drink-drive Marine will stay in post


A MARINE once held at gunpoint by an Angus thug has admitted drunkenly writing off two vehicles near Brechin.

Jack Swinscoe ploughed into a parked car after drinking at a ceremony at which his friend’s ashes were scattered.

The driver of an Audi had pulled into a layby to light a cigarette moments before Swinscoe smashed into it in his Volvo.

The Faslane-based Marine admitted driving carelessly and while over the limit at midnight on April 9.

Forfar Sheriff Court heard Swinscoe, 26, became hysterical and repeatedly asked the other driver – who suffered knee pain but did not need medical treatment – not to call the police. But the complainer’s car security system had automatica­lly dialled the emergency services.

Solicitor Nick Markowski, defending, said: “It was a significan­t day for him. A friend of his had unfortunat­ely taken his own life.

“There was a ceremony that day for the scattering of his friend’s ashes. Alcohol was consumed.

“He had no intention of driving. He was contacted later on that day by a friend.

He, for whatever reason, drove from Edzell to Brechin – three or four miles.

“Just on the very, very outskirts, he hasn’t made it around the corner. He is apologetic. The Marines are aware. He will retain his employment.”

Sheriff Krista Johnston told Swinscoe a character reference from his captain spoke “eloquently in support of you as an individual and a Marine”. She issued a £400 fine and a one-year driving ban.

In 2019, Swinscoe was fined £350 and given six penalty points after he admitted failing to identify himself as the driver of a car that crashed into a wall at 3.15am as he drove home after a Christmas party.

When he was 20, Swinscoe opened his door to thug Jordan Henderson, who brandished what he claimed was a Glock handgun and demanded: “Give me your money, give me everything.”

Swinscoe pretended to go inside his Brechin home to get money and Henderson ran away.

Police recovered the gun in bushes nearby and found it to be a CO2 pistol designed to fire air gun pellets.

 ?? ?? DRINK-DRIVER: Swinscoe had been at a ceremony to scatter the ashes of his friend.
DRINK-DRIVER: Swinscoe had been at a ceremony to scatter the ashes of his friend.

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