Easy Cook

Iced raspberry sandwich


Sell these tasty little treats to raise money for Comic Relief on 15 March.

Makes 12-14 Prep 35 mins plus n n 30 mins chilling and 30 mins setting Cook 12 mins n

175g plain flour, plus extra for


100g cold salted butter, cut

into cubes

335g icing sugar

½ tsp vanilla extract

2 medium egg yolks

50g glacé cherries, quartered 100g raspberry jam

1 Put the flour, butter, 85g icing sugar, the vanilla and egg yolks in a food processor and pulse in bursts until combined. Or rub the butter and flour together with your fingertips and mix in the sugar, vanilla and egg yolks. Add 1/2 tbsp water if the mixture feels a little dry. Tip the rough mixture onto a work surface and briefly knead until the dough has come together. Wrap and chill for 30 mins.

2 Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/ gas 4. Line two baking sheets with baking parchment. Roll the dough out on a lightly dusted surface to around 3mm thick. Cut 24 rounds from the dough using a 7cm cutter. Bring the remaining scraps of pastry together and roll again to make more biscuits. Put the biscuits on the baking sheets, then bake for 10-12 mins or until lightly golden at the edges. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

3 Mix the remaining icing sugar with 2-3 tsp water to make a very thick icing. Spoon or pipe the icing over half the biscuits, leaving a border around the edge of each. Top with a piece of glacé cherry in the centre (for a red nose), then leave to set for 30 mins. Spread the jam over the un-iced biscuits, then sandwich together with the iced halves. Will keep for two days in an airtight container.

PER SERVING 305 kcals, fat 7g, saturates 4g, carbs 59g, sugars 46g, protein 2g, fibre 1g, salt 0.2g

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