East Kilbride News



Strathaven and Glassford Community Council are calling on local residents to give their views on the future of their community.

Moves are underway to create a plan which sets out what local people think should be happening in their community over the next five years.

The exercise, led by the community council, will be carried out over the next few months.

Residents, voluntary groups, young people, and businesses are being encouraged to share their ideas about what projects and initiative­s will make a difference to the local area.

The community council will be co-ordinating activities and events to get feedback from local residents, and have commission­ed independen­t consultant­s Community Enterprise to support this work.

Aileen McMann, chair of Strathaven and Glassford Community Council, said: “We know that Strathaven and Glassford are great places to live, but we think they could be even better.

“We are working on a new plan, which will help to shape the future of our community. This is an important opportunit­y for people living in Strathaven and Glassford to influence the developmen­t of the area.

“We want to make sure the plan represents the concerns and aspiration­s of people who live locally, so the more people we hear from, the better.

“The issues, ideas and aspiration­s generated through the process will be put together into a plan identifyin­g projects and initiative­s, as well as details of how people can work together to make them happen.”

Residents are being encouraged to spread the word and get involved. There will be a range of in-person ‘community conversati­ons’ over the summer, so that people can share their views, and these will be advertised locally.

A community survey has been launched, which can be completed online here.

Paper copies will be available from a range of locations in the area, and can be returned to: Climate Action Strathaven, 5 Green Street, Strathaven, ML10 6LT.

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A special day The Glassford gala brings the community together

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