East Kilbride News

Firefighte­rs in a bit of a lather


East Kilbride Fire Station raised hundreds of pounds for local charities at their annual charity car wash.

A fantastic sum of £1220 was collected at the popular event.

Now the emergency service is urging local causes to apply to be considered for funding from their upcoming annual charity plant sale.

On Saturday, May 18, EK Fire Station, on Andrew Street, will be inviting green-fingered locals to the base for their latest fundraiser in aid of the Fire Fighters Charity and several local causes.

The popular local fundraiser has ran for over 30 years and attracts hundreds of gardeners each year for its wide selection of bedding plants, shrubs and baskets.

On the day there will be an opportunit­y for members of the public to obtain fire safety advice from the town’s fire fighters and the kids can hop on board a fire engine.

The station is also appealing for local businesses to help with donations for a tombola.

Crew Commander Matt Smith told us:“We are looking for donations from local businesses so we can hold a tombola on the day to help with raising the money and we are also looking for applicatio­ns in writing from registered East Kilbride charities who wish to be considered to benefit from this sale.”

Half of the funds will go to the national Fire Fighters Charity (formerly the Fire Service National Benevolent Fund), with the other being split between several nominated local charities.

Registered charities should apply in writing to: CC Matthew Smith, East Kilbride Fire Station, 1 Andrew Street, G74 1AD.

 ?? ?? Great effort
East Kilbride firefighte­rs were busy fundraisin­g at their recent charity car wash
Great effort East Kilbride firefighte­rs were busy fundraisin­g at their recent charity car wash

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