East Kilbride News

Return WEE BOXES to aid the vulnerable

SCIAF funds help to combat hunger and poverty


SCIAF supporters in Lanarkshir­e are being urged to return their WEE BOXES as this year’s Lenten appeal comes to a close.

Each year generous residents give up a favourite treat during Lent, such as crisps, wine, chocolate or chips, and put the money they save into a WEE BOX for the aid and developmen­t agency.

The money donated provides a hand-up to vulnerable communitie­s in Africa, Asia and Latin America, struggling to survive due to hunger, poverty and the effects of climate change.

This year, the WEE BOX appeal focused on the people of Rwanda, 30 years on from the genocide which left around one million people dead.

SCIAF’s chief executive, Lorraine Currie, said: “Our Lent appeal this year has come at a time when there’s so much suffering in our world, much of which we see on the news every day.

“But far away from the television cameras, there are people suffering and in need of our support, like many of the girls and women in Rwanda, who face abuse and discrimina­tion.

“Driven by donations from the people of Scotland,

SCIAF’s work across Rwanda includes projects which help them rebuild their lives, change social attitudes, and build a better future for themselves and their families.”

Lorraine added: “The thousands of WEE BOXES returned each year to SCIAF really do make a big difference to those we work with around the world.

“The generosity of the Scottish people, especially when things are so difficult for families here, is incredible.

“I want to thank everyone who has supported this year’s appeal – you are making a life-changing difference to families across the globe.”

SCIAF is guided by its Christian faith and “inspired by love and compassion to stand in solidarity with the people we serve, our wounded earth, and the Catholic community in Scotland”.

If you have collected money in your WEE BOX, count the money you’ve saved and donate that amount by using any of the following steps: visit www. sciaf.org.uk/get-involved/ appeals/629-2024-wee-boxappeal; send a cheque made out to SCIAF to FREEPOST SCIAF; call 0141 354 5555 and donate using a credit or debit card.; or give donations via bank transfer by calling the same number.

Our Lent appeal this year has come at a time when there’s so much suffering in our world Lorraine Currie, SCIAF

 ?? ?? Building a better future This year, the WEE BOX appeal focused on the people of Rwanda
Building a better future This year, the WEE BOX appeal focused on the people of Rwanda

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