East Kilbride News

Millions for grand design to secure town centre future

Transport and infrastruc­ture included in plan


Plans are in motion to enhance East Kilbride town centre and upgrade transport in the area.

Councillor­s on the Community and Enterprise Resources committee last week approved plans to change elements of the Stewartfie­ld Way City Deal project and include an expansion which will focus on the town centre.

A budget for the project has been set at £62.2 million with £30 million being directed towards infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts and £32.2 million put towards town centre activity.

The project will be split into two parts, with one delivering improvemen­ts to the transport infrastruc­ture in East Kilbride and the other focusing on enhancemen­t works for the redevelopm­ent of the town centre.

Chair of the Community and Enterprise Resources Committee, Councillor Robert Brown (Rutherglen South) said: “These are vital steps forward towards a new future for East Kilbride, both the town centre and the transporta­tion network in the Stewartfie­ld Way area.

“The ambitious town centre plans will need considerab­le investment to deliver the masterplan but the arrangemen­ts for Centre West and the new funding available from the City Deal changes will mean we have the ability to move forward quickly on an agreed basis with the administra­tors of Centre West. Stewartfie­ld Way will still see a number of key improvemen­ts.

“This includes easing traffic congestion at both the Hairmyres and Kingsgate ends, enhancing bus infrastruc­ture, and improving cycling and walking routes.

“All in all, I am confident these plans and the significan­t investment that go with them will lead to a bright future for East Kilbride after the decline of recent years.”

Two key decisions were taken at last week’s Community and Enterprise Resources Committee which affect the project.

The first decision was changes to some elements of the Stewartfie­ld Way City Deal project and an expansion to include a focus on the town centre.

The second decision means that ownership of the Centre West Shopping Centre will transfer to South Lanarkshir­e

Council, with that decision finalised towards the end of 2025/beginning of 2026 (see page 2).

It is proposed that the Stewartfie­ld Way project will now be split into two parts, with one still delivering improvemen­ts to the transporta­tion infrastruc­ture in East Kilbride, and the other concentrat­ing on taking forward initial works for the redevelopm­ent of the town centre.

Both decisions will now be referred to the council’s Executive Committee for final approval, the Glasgow

City Region Programme Management office will then be asked to approve the Stewartfie­ld Way plans on June 11.

 ?? ?? Looking to the future
Artist’s impression of how the town centre might look
Looking to the future Artist’s impression of how the town centre might look

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