East Kilbride News

Gran battles to save bank from closure


A local pensioner has launched a petition to save the under-threat RBS East Kilbride branch after insisting the elderly will be hit the hardest.

Following last week’s shock news that the Royal Bank of Scotland are to shut one in five of its branches – including four in Lanarkshir­e – Lorraine Grimes, 67, started a change.org petition in a bid to prevent the closure of her local branch.

Calling the impending closures “a threat to our way of life”, she insists the move – which affects East Kilbride, Rutherglen, Wishaw and Cumbernaul­d Tay Walk branches – will disproport­ionately affect the elderly who are not comfortabl­e using online banking and are unable to travel far.

The East Mains gran-of-11 also stated that the Post Office will be under immense pressure as a result of the closures.

Her petition reads: “I am a resident of East Kilbride, Glasgow, UK, and like many others in our community, I rely on our local bank branch for my financial needs. My health isn’t at its best and travelling to another town is not an option for me. The impending closure of our local bank branch is more than just an inconvenie­nce; it’s a threat to our way of life.

“This closure will disproport­ionately affect elderly people who may not be comfortabl­e with online banking or cannot travel far. It also discrimina­tes against those who prefer or need to use cash transactio­ns.

“Furthermor­e, this will put undue pressure on the post office which will have to handle increased queues and customer demands. According to Age UK, over half (53 per cent) of adults aged 65+ do not use internet banking (Age UK). This means that more than half of the elderly population could potentiall­y be left without access to essential banking services if physical branches continue closing down.

“The decision also overlooks the fact that cash remains a necessity for many small businesses and individual­s – particular­ly those in lowerincom­e brackets. According to Which?, around two million people in the UK are almost entirely reliant on cash.

“We urge the relevant authoritie­s and decisionma­kers to reconsider this move. We understand that banks must adapt with changing times but it should not come at such a high cost for those who depend on these services most.

“Please sign this petition if you believe in preserving access to essential financial services for all members of our community regardless their age or income level.”

RBS confirmed that 105 people would be impacted by the closures as 18 of its 86 local branches across the country shut within months.

The Bank, owned by NatWest – a third of which is publicly owned – pointed to the rise of digital services, saying 80 per cent of its active current account holders now bank online and more than 97 per cent of its retail accounts are opened over the internet.

The bank said redundanci­es would be done on a voluntary basis where possible but otherwise it would seek to support those who lose their jobs.

RBS said it is investing around £10.5m in its network across Scotland as well as continuing to invest in “shared solutions” like the Post Office and banking hubs.

Commenting on the closures online, one East Kilbride resident said: “It’s a disgrace. Not everyone is comfortabl­e using online banking.”

Another wrote: “It’s the older generation I feel sorry for. They don’t use a lot of technology.”

And a woman commented: “The branch is always busy whenever I have had to go in on a Saturday. Feel for the staff too.”

A local man added: “Global plan to become a cashless society.”

East Kilbride MSP Collette Stevenson called the proposed closures “deeply disappoint­ing”.

She said: “This announceme­nt is deeply disappoint­ing and I share the frustratio­n felt by many who have been in touch.

“The closure will disproport­ionately affect elderly people who may not wish to use online banking. The nearest branch is six miles away, and if people need access on a Saturday, they have to travel eight miles to Parkhead. That is unacceptab­le. There also needs to be clarity for staff and what will happen to them. “

And she went on: “I am calling upon Royal Bank of Scotland to reconsider this decision and fully support this petition. For a town the size of East Kilbride to lose this bank is a bitter pill to swallow.”

Lisa Cameron MP for East Kilbride is raising the matter in the House of Commons. She said: “Following from constituen­ts’ concerns, I have scheduled a meeting with RBS, Link and with the Financial Conduct Authority to highlight the impact on our community and upon vulnerable customers to do all possible to save our branch.”

A spokespers­on for the bank said that RBS was committed to supporting those affected in what were described as “exceptiona­lly difficult times”.

“Our customers are using digital banking more than ever before – over 80 per cent of our active current account holders now use our digital services and over 97 per cent of retail accounts with us are now opened online,” a spokespers­on said.

“While we are increasing­ly engaging our customers digitally, our branch network remains important to us. We commit to no further review of our Royal Bank of Scotland branch network until at least 2026.”

Go to www.change.org/p/ prevent-the-closure-of-ourlocal-royal-bank-of-scotlandba­nk-branch-in-east-kilbride for the petition.

 ?? ?? Deeply disappoint­ed
Collette Stevenson (top) and Lisa Cameron have condemned the move
Deeply disappoint­ed Collette Stevenson (top) and Lisa Cameron have condemned the move
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