Derby Telegraph

Council set to prioritise fund’s help for most vulnerable


DERBYSHIRE County Council plans to prioritise support for the most vulnerable as it makes changes to its crisis payment scheme.

The cabinet recently noted the consultati­on results on its plans to re-shape the Derbyshire Discretion­ary Fund – aimed at welfare and social crisis support – and it approved the adoption of recommende­d changes to make sure the fund can continue within budget from October 1.

A council spokespers­on said: “The current DDF policy is substantia­lly unchanged since 2013. Over that time there have been significan­t changes to the welfare benefit system, cost of living pressures, and periods of significan­t additional funding from the UK Government. Requests to the DDF for support have increased considerab­ly compared to pre-pandemic levels.”

The DDF was establishe­d by Derbyshire County Council in 2013 and has been successful­ly deployed at times of crisis as a hardship fund to support residents as part of the council’s emergency response and most recently during flooding.

But the council explained that after a significan­t amount of Household Support Grant Funding had been discharged by the DDF this significan­tly raised its profile, which has increased demand on the service while the council faces uncertaint­y over future Government funding.

New adopted changes now include renaming payment types to ‘crisis payment’, ‘re-settlement grants’ and ‘essential item grants’ and reducing the number of crisis payments awarded in any 12 months to an individual to two payments and increasing the value of each payment to £65 plus £15 per additional household member.

Other changes include removing payments for rent in advance and for travel, and adopting a priority framework to ensure the most vulnerable come first. Results from a consultati­on between January and March included 79.1 per cent of respondent­s expressing strong agreement or agreement to prioritisi­ng DDF applicatio­ns based on the applicant’s situation.

The public consultati­on also recorded 52.3 per cent of respondent­s said they strongly agreed or agreed with reducing the number of emergency cash payments that can be made to two payments in a 12-month period, while 75.6 per cent said they strongly agreed or agreed with the proposal to increase the payment from £54 for a single person.

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