Derby Telegraph

Authority figures make statements on protests in city


DERBY’S MPs and the leader of the city council issued statements ahead of last night’s planned ‘far-right’ protest in the city.

Derby City Council said “these hateful attacks are an affront to our city’s shared values” and is promising not to tolerate any of the hateful behaviour we have seen in other parts of the country.

The statement from leader of the Derby City Council, Cllr Nadine Peatfield reads: “Derby is a city where people come first. We are a diverse community united by our shared belief in respect, equality, and understand­ing.

“We continue to be aware of the issues facing our region and are working in partnershi­p with Derbyshire Constabula­ry, the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commission­er and local community leaders to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all citizens.”

MP for Derby North, Catherine Atkinson, and the MP for Derby South, Baggy Shanker, released a joint-statement on the disorder, they said: “Many constituen­ts have contacted us about the rioting we have seen in recent days in different parts of the country. We deplore this violence and support the action the Government is taking to ensure the perpetrato­rs are brought swiftly to justice.

“The message is loud and clear: if you take part in violence and disorder on our streets, you can expect many years in jail. On a local level, we are keeping lines of communicat­ion open with Derbyshire Constabula­ry, our Police and Crime Commission­er, the City Council and community organisati­ons. We are reassured that Derbyshire Constabula­ry are well prepared for every eventualit­y.”

Derbyshire police said: “Since the incidents elsewhere in the country, we have put in place a full operationa­l and resourcing plan – which is being led by our assistant chief constable Michelle Shooter.

“We communicat­e with our local communitie­s and ensure that we understand their concerns – and they understand the policing ability to keep them safe.”

Police Crime Commission­er Nicolle Ndiweni-Roberts, Derbyshire Police and Crime Commission­er said: “I have been reassured by Derbyshire Constabula­ry that they have a policing operation in place for every eventualit­y and will continue to closely monitor the situation.

“During these challengin­g times across our nation, I want to assure residents that I am working very closely with the force and will continue to work with all key partners, MPs, councils and community organisati­ons to keep our residents safe.”

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