Derby Telegraph

What is set to happen in the days following the General Election?



WHEN the polling stations closed at 10pm last night, voters across Derbyshire and the UK will have set the wheels in motion to determine the next parliament.

What happens next depends on the results across the 650 constituen­cies, whether any party has managed to form a majority, and if there is to be a new prime minister.

■■Votes counted

Once every person still in the polling station queue at 10pm has voted, the presiding officer seals the ballot box and delivers it to the local count centre.

Votes are first verified, with the number of votes in the ballot box checked against the paperwork from polling stations. Blank and spoiled papers, and those on which the voter’s intention is unclear, are removed. Votes from the ballot box are mixed with postal votes before they are counted.

The first constituen­cy results are expected to be announced within a couple of hours. In recent years, a Tyne-Wear derby has developed in the north-east of England, with constituen­cies racing to be the first to declare. Newcastle upon Tyne Central (now replaced by Newcastle upon Tyne Central and West under new boundaries), declared at 11.27pm in 2019, ahead of Houghton and Sunderland South.

Meanwhile, politician­s will be digesting the prediction­s of the exit poll. The results, broadcast at 10pm as the polling booths close, give the country the first idea of what to expect as the night progresses.

Exit polls are conducted throughout election day by asking thousands of people who they voted for at strategica­lly chosen polling stations. In recent years, exit polls have given a reasonably accurate view of the choices the electorate has made.

■■The day after

By the early hours of this morning, the vast majority of constituen­cies will have declared, and the country is likely to know which party has won the most seats.

What happens next depends on whether one party has earned a

GENERAL Elections and local ones in the UK invariably occur on a Thursday, a tradition that has persisted for over 100 years – but do you know why?

Prior to 1918, voting would span several days, with separate constituen­cies voting on different weekdays.

The previous system was cast aside as it caused a “bandwagon effect” for parties gaining early leads, influencin­g later voters.

The Representa­tion of the People

majority – 326 of the 650 seats. In reality, a working majority requires fewer seats because the Speaker and the three deputy speakers do not vote, and Sinn Fein MPs opt not to take their seats in Westminste­r.

If no party has a majority, then it becomes a hung parliament. In that case, the incumbent prime minister remains in power and is given the first chance to form a government

– if they cannot form a government which commands the support of the majority of the House of Commons, they must resign to allow the King to invite someone else to try.

Government­s without majorities can form coalitions with other parties, as was the case when the Conservati­ves and Liberal Democrats joined forces in 2010.

Or they could lead as a minority government, as happened to the

Act in 1918 condensed polling to a single day for fairness.

The choice fell on Thursday to avoid pay-day pub patronage, which typically occurred on Fridays.

Additional­ly, Sunday was excluded due to concerns about possible influence from Free Church ministers, who tended towards liberalism.

Thursday became the chosen polling day given its neutrality and because it was traditiona­lly a market day, bringing more people

Conservati­ves in 2017 when they governed with the support of Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party, an arrangemen­t known as confidence and supply.

This process can take time: following the 2010 general election, Tories and Lib Dems spent days in negotiatio­ns before finalising an agreement to form a government. Five days after the election, Labour leader Gordon Brown resigned as prime minister.

If one party wins a majority of seats, events move more quickly. That party will form the new government, and its leader will become the next prime minister.

If a new prime minister is to be appointed, the incumbent will visit the King and tender their resignatio­n. The incoming prime minister arrives next and is formally asked by into towns, possibly increasing voting turnout.

Despite changing times, the Thursday voting tradition remains firmly in place, save for rare exceptions like the Manchester Exchange by-election in 1973, which uniquely took place on a Wednesday due to an administra­tive error.

The last UK by-election not held on a Thursday was in Hamilton in 1978. This was due to the opening match of the 1978 FIFA World Cup taking place on Thursday, June 1.

Charles to form a government.

■■The Opposition

The Opposition is formed of the second largest party in the House of Commons, determined by number of seats, and the leader of that party becomes Leader of the Opposition.

Their role is to scrutinise the work of the government, and they appoint a shadow cabinet to match each of the key portfolios. The Leader of the Opposition asks the most prominent questions during Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) every Wednesday while Parliament is sitting.

■■Prime minister

Once a new prime minister is appointed, they travel to Downing Street, where they can be expected to give a speech in front of the famous Number 10 door. They will then enter the building – traditiona­lly applauded in by staff – and will meet the Cabinet Secretary, the most senior Civil Service adviser to the prime minister and cabinet.

A number of briefings will follow, covering a diverse range of topics: living arrangemen­ts for the new premier and family, the process for appointing ministers, urgent decisions on key policies, as well as security and intelligen­ce informatio­n. The prime minister writes letters to the commanders of the four nuclear submarines which provide the UK’s at-sea deterrent, with instructio­ns for what to do in the event of a nuclear strike that wipes out contact with the UK.

The prime minister will also start appointing their cabinet, typically inviting them into Number 10 to offer ministeria­l roles – anyone offered a position will have to meet with the propriety and ethics team to discuss potential conflicts of interest.

This process will continue over several days as more junior ministers, party whips and parliament­ary private secretarie­s, are appointed, and will come interspers­ed with calls from world leaders, congratula­ting them on their new position.

■■Parliament and the King’s Speech

Parliament is due to resume on July 9, for the election of the Speaker. This is led by the Father of the House – the chamber’s longest standing MP. If he is re-elected, this will be Sir Peter Bottomley, who has been in the House of Commons continuous­ly since 1975.

All MPs have to declare an oath of allegiance to the Crown before they can take part in parliament­ary business, a process known as swearing in.

Meanwhile, the government will be preparing for the King’s Speech, scheduled to follow the State Opening of Parliament on July 17.

In the King’s Speech – which is delivered by the monarch but written by the government – policies and proposed legislatio­n for the coming parliament­ary session will be revealed.

The speech is then debated in the House of Commons for several days. Passing the King’s Speech is the first big test of support in the government – unlikely to be an issue if one party has won a large majority.

 ?? ?? Larry the cat sits outside Number 10 Downing Street. The Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office has only ever served under Conservati­ve Prime Ministers
Larry the cat sits outside Number 10 Downing Street. The Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office has only ever served under Conservati­ve Prime Ministers
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