Derby Telegraph

Cancer fighter Dawn to put sole into ribbon walk for ‘the many who can’t’


- By TELEGRAPH REPORTER newsdesk@derbyteleg­

A DERBY mum is marking the end of her breast cancer treatment by walking 20-miles at Breast Cancer Now’s Bakewell Pink Ribbon Walk tomorrow.

Dawn Morland was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2022 after experienci­ng pain in her breast. Dawn went on to have chemothera­py, radiothera­py and a mastectomy.

The diagnosis was even more shocking because she had supported her mum, Debbie, through breast cancer twice already.

Her mum was first diagnosed 17 years ago and then again seven years ago.

The 49-year-old said: “It’s just coming up to a year since I finished my treatment and I’m getting my energy back. I’m living life and loving life and I just want to celebrate the fact that I can do this walk. There are so many people out there that can’t so I’m doing this for all of them and for myself and my mum.

“My body let me down in 2022 but it’s not going to let me down now. Breast cancer is not going to beat me. I don’t know what the future holds but while I can live life I will do just that. I will live it for people that feel they can’t at the moment.”

Dawn will be walking as part of her team, Dawn’s Diamonds, and will be joined by her friends and family. With every step, they will help Breast Cancer Now to fund world-class research and life-changing support, helping Breast Cancer Now achieve its ambition that by 2050, everyone diagnosed with breast cancer will live and live well.

Dawn, who is mum to 20-year-old twins Imogen and Luke, has previously taken part in Pink Ribbon Walks in honour of her mum but this will be the first time since her own diagnosis.

She said: “My mum is coming to support me on the day. She was a big support during my treatment too.

“She knew what it was like to be told you have breast cancer and knew exactly how I was feeling.”

Taking place in three of the UK’s most beautiful locations from April to June, Pink Ribbon Walks are one of Breast Cancer Now’s biggest and best-loved fundraisin­g events – having raised more than £15 million for world class breast cancer research and support since they started in 2005.

Every year, around 55,000 women and 400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK, and this number is continuing to rise.

With an estimated 600,000 living with a diagnosis of breast cancer and this predicted to rise to 1.2 million in 2030, raising awareness of breast cancer and funds is more important than ever.

Challenge yourself to a Pink Ribbon Walk and help fund world-class research and life-changing support. Find out more and register today at breastcanc­

 ?? ?? Dawn Morland, centre, of Derby is preparing to walk Breast Cancer Now’s Pink Ribbon Walk in Bakewell tomorrow – just two years after being diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer
Dawn Morland, centre, of Derby is preparing to walk Breast Cancer Now’s Pink Ribbon Walk in Bakewell tomorrow – just two years after being diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer

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