Derby Telegraph

‘Bellwether’ seats where rivals bid to break Tory dominance of region



THE Conservati­ves have made steady advances across Derbyshire and the wider East Midlands at recent general elections and now hold almost every constituen­cy in the region – but in doing so they have given themselves a large number of marginal seats to defend.

A redrawing of boundaries means the East Midlands now has 47 constituen­cies, up from 46 in 2019, and, had the last election been fought on these new boundaries, it is calculated the Tories would have won 39 seats and Labour eight.

Notional results for the 2019 election based on the 2024 boundaries have also been calculated, in order to determine the scale of the challenge facing candidates this time, and it is these notional majorities that are used below.

There are 11 seats in the East Midlands where the Tories are defending majorities of just under 10,000, starting with Derbyshire’s High Peak, where the majority is just 590.

Some of these seats were held by Labour until as recently as 2019, such as Nottingham­shire’s Gedling (Tory majority 2,407) and Ashfield (5,303).

Others are so-called “bellwether” seats, which means the result in the constituen­cy has a habit of matching the overall result of the general election – such as Northampto­n North and Loughborou­gh, both of which have been bellwether­s since the election of February 1974.

Such a high number of marginal seats means the East Midlands is likely to play a pivotal role in determinin­g the make-up of the new House of Commons.

The contest in Ashfield will be particular­ly closely watched, where its former MP Lee Anderson – who defected from the Conservati­ve to Reform during the last parliament – is standing for Reform against a new Tory candidate, along with a candidate from the Ashfield Independen­ts who run the local council (and who came second in the seat in 2019), plus Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens.

If Labour manages to push the swing from the Conservati­ves across the region up to 15 percentage points, a total of 16 seats could change hands, with Harborough, Oadby & Wigston the 16th to fall.

This is a constituen­cy that ranks at number 174 on Labour’s UK-wide target list, and is a seat that has been held by the Tories continuous­ly since 1950.

The eight constituen­cies Labour are defending in the East Midlands are all clustered around the cities of Leicester (Leicester East, Leicester South, and Leicester West), Nottingham (Nottingham East, Nottingham North & Kimberley, and Nottingham South) and Derby (Derby South), along with the town of Chesterfie­ld.

A measure of Labour’s success or failure in the region will depend on how well it is able to break out of these urban stronghold­s and into less densely-populated surroundin­g areas.

Voters in Leicester East are in the unusual position of being able to choose between the official Labour candidate, Rajesh Agrawal; two former Labour MPs who once represente­d the seat, Claudia Webbe (Independen­t) and Keith Vaz (One Leicester Party); plus seven other candidates.

The Lib Dems came second in two seats in the East Midlands, according to the 2019 notional results: Hinckley & Bosworth and Rutland & Stamford.

Both of these constituen­cies would need enormous swings from the Tories to the Lib Dems to change hands – 23.3 and 23.8 percentage points respective­ly – and as such it would take an exceptiona­l performanc­e by Sir Ed Davey’s party to win either of them.

All notional majorities and swings mentioned above have been compiled by Professors Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher of the University of Plymouth, on behalf of BBC News, ITV News, Sky News and the PA news agency, and will be used as the basis for reporting the gains and losses at the General Election.

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Derbyshire seats in the past four elections 2010
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