Derby Telegraph

Eatery puts end to closure fears with an update on health


A EATERY on the Derbyshire/ Leicesters­hire border has quashed rumours that it’s shutting its doors for good.

Lakeside Bistro, nestled by the Shortheath Water fishing lake in Moira, near Swadlincot­e, was rumoured to be on the brink of closure, with talks of demolition and redevelopm­ent into housing after being listed for sale.

The family-run bistro’s future seemed uncertain following the owners’ announceme­nt of a “tremendous­ly difficult” decision to sell due to health setbacks, including a stroke, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis, which cast doubts on their ability to continue.

However, the proprietor­s of the Shortheath Road site, near Moira Furnace Museum and Country Park, have confirmed the bistro will remain operationa­l.

In a statement, the Lakeside Bistro team explained that the move to sell was a “tough” one, spurred by their health issues. But with their health on the mend, they’ve decided to keep the business running.

They stated: “We want to set the record straight: Lakeside is no longer for sale and we will continue to serve you. Lakeside has always been, and will continue to be, a family-run business.”

“We are deeply committed to our community and are here to stay. Your support and loyalty mean the world to us, and we look forward to continuing to provide the quality and service you have come to expect from us.”

The eatery, nestled against the backdrop of a lake for the past 23 years, offers breakfasts, lunches and afternoon teas. Patrons have expressed their delight at the establishm­ent’s continued success, with numerous customers labelling it as “wonderful” and some praising it as a “fantastic asset” to both the local area and further afield.

The bistro’s team said: “We would like to thank our very loyal customers and importantl­y, our amazing team of staff who have stood by us and helped us through some difficult times. Here’s to many more years together at Lakeside.”

 ?? ?? Lakeside Bistro
Lakeside Bistro

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