Derby Telegraph

NHS ‘corrupted’ by Conservati­on actions

- CN Westerman

LABOUR’S NHS, in 1947, was based on universali­ty, 100% based on public taxes, serving every citizen. That is why Conservati­ves hated it then and opposed it, preferring an insurance scheme.

So, as soon as Conservati­ves returned to power, they worked to destroy the NHS by privatisin­g huge sections, so that huge portions of public taxes, allocated to the NHS, were then diverted away from any medical purpose.

Like all large corporatio­ns, Labour’s NHS had a human resources department, where matters like overtime were settled.

So Conservati­ve Ministries of Health progressiv­ely privatised that into agencies, where informatio­n came from the NHS, to the agency, to make the decisions about salaries, and back to the NHS, at hugely inflated shareholde­r costs, profits and salaries, causing resentment for unjust treatment of NHS staff for 70 years.

Mrs Thatcher privatised car parks, hospital cleaning, food preparatio­n, so more public money was progressiv­ely diverted from medical treatment, to shareholde­rs, as part of Conservati­ve strategy to undermine Labour’s NHS. When Conservati­ve Government­s did spend money on the NHS, less and less of it went to medical care.

Recently Frank Hester was CEO of a private computer corporatio­n, taking informatio­n from the NHS, and returning it, at vast NHS expense, beyond corporatio­n profits, sufficient to permit him to donate £5 million to the Conservati­ve Party.

A Labour Government cannot rescue our NHS now, since the taxpayer cannot afford to buy it back from Conservati­ve corruption.

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