Derby Telegraph

Drivers face disruption in Spider Island roadworks


TRAVEL disruption could be likely when work starts later this month to upgrade traffic lights at one of Derby’s busiest roundabout­s.

Derby City Council says work will start at Spider Island in Allenton from Monday, June 17 and is expected to take six weeks.

The council says traffic lights have not been replaced for around 20 years and work will see a “more advanced system” in place and the new lights will be “more energy efficient”.

It means there will be lane closures and temporary traffic lights in use between June and August at 8am and 4pm which could cause delays.

The council said the project was originally approved in March 2020 by the then Conservati­ve administra­tion after the junction at was identified as a priority for improvemen­ts.

The money has come from Bus Service Improvemen­t Plan funding from the Government – however, the council has not disclosed the cost of the works.

A city council spokespers­on said the changes would improve traffic levels at the busy roundabout in the long term.

They added: “We will be replacing and upgrading all traffic light equipment with a new, more advanced system. This new technology uses less cable and is more energy efficient, reducing our overall energy use and carbon footprint.

“The upgraded system will be better at detecting vehicles and pedestrian­s, with a focus on prioritisi­ng delayed buses. This will improve traffic flow at the junction for everyone who uses it, leading to better air quality in the area. The improvemen­ts will also ensure the system is up-to-date and meets future needs.

“There will be lane closures and temporary traffic signals in place during the day, between 8am and 4pm. We understand this may cause some disruption, but we will do everything we can to minimise delays. Our aim is to finish the work as quickly as possible.”

 ?? ?? Spider Island
Spider Island

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