Derby Telegraph

Gyms at leisure centres given £600k upgrade



A RESTORATIO­N project has been completed on a Victorian footbridge at a Derbyshire railway station.

Network Rail has completed the £900,000 upgrade to the 132-year-old bridge at Duffield Railway Station after a four-month project.

The footbridge – from which the main bridge span remains – was originally built in 1892.

It then went through a significan­t modificati­on in 1957 when the original ironwork staircases were replaced with brick.

The latest overhaul started in January and saw Network Rail and contractor Amco Giffen carefully plan the work to cause as little disruption to station users as possible.

Major improvemen­ts took place to the structure, including new handrails, stair treads, and cross beams, as well as masonry and drainage upgrades.

All steelwork was then mechanical­ly prepared before being painted in heritage railway colours. The work will improve the experience of passengers as they travel from the station and offers them a safer way to cross the railway.

Shak Munshi, Network Rail project manager, said: “It’s really important for Network Rail to protect and conserve structures on the railway network – and the footbridge at Duffield Station is a prime example of a much-loved heritage asset being sensitivel­y brought up to date. The vital investment now means the railway crossing will be safer and more reliable for passengers for generation­s to come.

GYMS at two Derbyshire leisure centres have been given a major revamp that means £600,000 has been invested in facilities and equipment.

The “state-of-the-art” upgrade, as described by the owner of the gyms, has transforme­d Etwall Leisure Centre and Swadlincot­e’s Green Bank Leisure Centre, which were both taken over by Everyone Active in April.

The gyms, owned in partnershi­p with South Derbyshire District Council, now feature new Life Fitness cardio equipment and Hammer Strength plate-loaded and lifting equipment.

Upgrades include recovery products such as rollers, massage guns and stretch zones. There is also new lighting and flooring.

Nick Fearnett, Everyone Active’s

“We are delighted with the outcome of this project and hope that both passengers and local residents are as pleased with the end result as we are. It has been great to work with principal contractor, Amco Giffen, whose expertise and collaborat­ive efforts contract manager, said: “We cannot wait to reopen these gyms and show the local community the fantastic facilities on their doorstep.

“Both gyms are looking fantastic and the state-of-the-art equipment that has been brought in will serve gymgoers for years to come.

“No matter what your interests or were instrument­al in the success ul completion of this project.”

Dave Meredith, customer services director for East Midlands Railway, said: “We’re delighted that Duffield Footbridge has been restored to its former glory. The investment on the bridge changes the look and feel of

fability, there is a gym activity for you at Etwall and Green Bank, as well as a variety of other activities across both centres.”

Green Bank’s gym has been extended to 100 stations while Etwall’s gym has increased to 50 stations.

Etwall will reopen on Thursday the station, making it brighter and more inviting for our customers.

“We worked closely with Network Rail and Amco Giffen to keep disruption to a minimum and we would like to thank Duffield Railway Station customers for their patience while the work took place. while the Green Bank gym reopened yesterday but was due for an official reopening today, with a 10am ribbon cutting with VIP guests, and open visits and tours available from 10am until 4pm. From 6pm to 9pm, a DJ in the gym will keep members motivated during their fitness sessions. Everyone Active personal training will also be launched at both sites upon their reopening.

Cllr Robert Pearson, leader of South Derbyshire District Council, said: “The collaborat­ive partnershi­p with Everyone Active has brought improved health and fitness amenities to our communitie­s and we are thrilled to see these modernized facilities reopen. This investment will provide South Derbyshire residents with access to two first-class gyms, encouragin­g more people to engage in physical activity and lead healthier lives.”

 ?? ?? The vibrant new bridge is a result of a £900,000 project
The vibrant new bridge is a result of a £900,000 project
 ?? ?? The footbridge can be seen in this photo of Midland Railway staff taken in the 1910s
The footbridge can be seen in this photo of Midland Railway staff taken in the 1910s
 ?? ?? The new-look gym at Green Bank Leisure Centre in Swadlincot­e
The new-look gym at Green Bank Leisure Centre in Swadlincot­e

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