Derby Telegraph

Derby is not a dump, me duck


WALKING home through the city centre at 11pm on a Saturday night, you may well agree that Derby is a “dump”.

A half-cut group of mates falling over each other outside Mama Jane’s, an endless cascade of sirens shooting past the bus station, a police cordon in East Street.

This all-too-familiar scene most likely contribute­d to the survey by Which? that ranked our city as being among the worst in the UK for a city break. On Reddit, our home town was described as a “dump”.

I’m not going to beat around the bush – I totally understand why people think that.

But we don’t choose where we’re born and raised. And for those of us who grew up in Derby, it is our duty to make the best of it. And once you start to think about it, it’s not that hard to make a case.

From these grey streets, lacking in the inspiratio­n of giants such as Manchester and Liverpool, we have created so much.

Birds Bakery with its elephant feet and custard doughnuts. Rolls-Royce with its aeroplane engines and super-sharp engineers. Alstom - the only factory in the UK to design, build, test and export trains.

Then, in the modern age, our city births new success stories.

The owners of Derby’s SureScreen Diagnostic­s feature in the latest Sunday Times Rich List with a net worth of £127million.

Project D, a doughnut company started by school friends at Chellaston Academy, is now a nationwide brand delivering treats across the country and catering to the likes of British Airways, CocaCola, Amazon and Love Island.

Away from our business credential­s, we’re also the real ale capital of the UK.

The sheer number and quality of pubs in Derby outrank a huge number of our fellow cities. As soon as you step off the train and arrive in Derby, you’re greeted by a 300-yard pub crawl featuring some of the best boozers in the city.

Step into the Victoria Inn and soak in a long history of live music. Pop into the Brunswick and sample a pint of one of their homemade beers. Enter the Alexandra Hotel, say hello to landlady Anna and be overwhelme­d by all the beers on offer.

That’s before we even talk about the people of Derby. We’re down-to-earth, straightta­lking and warm.

Whether it’s an elderly lady doing a sodoku in Cafe Villabella, a postman clocking on for the early shift or Melanie guiding you to the best health supplement­s at The Fig in Sadler Gate, you’ll find that Derby people are full of grit, character and a no-holds-barred sense of humour. Oh - and we should mention Sadler Gate in more detail. A beautiful, historic shopping street that is our city’s own Diagon Alley. You can enjoy a panini at Milk and Honey, buy a ‘Derby Original’ T-shirt at Mr Shaw’s and - if all the pubs have closed - you can get into the Blue Note and drink Hulk cocktails until you’re chucked out at 4am.

Blue Note, by the way, has played host to acts as impressive as The Cure, New Order, Boy George and Soft Cell.

Look, I understand. Derby cannot compete with the big boys. We are a large town masqueradi­ng as a city and there is no point in denying it. But we can choose to be proud. We can choose to shout about the best bits of where we live and we can make a noise when the national press describes our home town as a “dump”. Sometimes you have to make a choice. Do I continue to drag down my city or do I take pride in it and encourage it to become better?

It’s your choice, but I know I’ve made mine.

We are a large town masqueradi­ng as a city and there is no point in denying it – but we can choose to be proud.

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