Derby Telegraph

Traffic officers bring pupils up to speed on a future career in force


- By TELEGRAPH REPORTER newsdesk@derbyteleg­

WHAT have a policeman, a beekeeper, an aerospace engineer and an explorer got in common? They all attended a careers event at a Derbyshire school to inspire the next generation of workers.

Loscoe CofE Primary School and Nursery, in Flamstead Avenue, held its first ever Career’s Week and lined up the inspiratio­nal guests to talk about the skills needed in their workplaces.

A traffic officer from Derbyshire police talked to the school about his role in keeping our roads safe and children were also able to look inside his patrol vehicle.

A taxman from HMRC spoke to children in years five and six, who are now planning a junior tax session during their Enterprise Week, while reception children took a tour of the school kitchen with head cook Gwyneth Shooter.

School site manager Scott Bell showed children in year one the work he is carrying out to improve their play area, while David Holdsworth, a railway signaller, instigated a talk about different pathways after explaining he had started his career as an apprentice.

Claire Hollingshu­rst, from Hazelwood-based science company Lubrizol, helped key stage two pupils make paper aeroplanes as she explained some of the skills needed for her job.

Aerospace engineer Helen Brocklehur­st from Rolls-Royce and occupation­al therapist Fiona Rushbrook were also among the visitors, while Lottie Ward, a beekeeper, showed children in year one what she wears for work.

Explorer Adrian Hall talked about his travels around the Arctic and tested children’s ability to work in teams and read maps looking for clues around the school.

Wendy Lynam is headteache­r of Loscoe CofE Primary and Nursery, which belongs to Derby Diocesan Academy Trust.

She said: “We are incredibly thankful to these local heroes for taking the time to inspire our pupils who thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions.

“Each of them brought their profession to life in a way that textbooks simply can’t. This event has undoubtedl­y sparked curiosity and imaginatio­n in our young learners.

“It is only by understand­ing what opportunit­ies are available to our children that they can broaden their horizons and learn to dream big, knowing that anything is possible.”

 ?? ?? Traffic officers from Derbyshire police speaking with children at Loscoe CofE Primary School during its recent Careers Week, as did Claire Hollingshu­rst from Lubrizol, right, and beekeeper Lottie Ward, far right
Traffic officers from Derbyshire police speaking with children at Loscoe CofE Primary School during its recent Careers Week, as did Claire Hollingshu­rst from Lubrizol, right, and beekeeper Lottie Ward, far right

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