Derby Telegraph



THE breaking news this week is we will have a General Election on July 4. It’s not my place to be party political or to tell you whom to vote for, but please allow me to make a few suggestion­s about how we might pray during this time.

We should, perhaps, begin by giving thanks for the opportunit­y to vote. Not all countries have democratic elections, and some so-called democracie­s lack the transparen­cy and freedom that we enjoy in the UK.

Let’s pray for the candidates, that they will be motivated by a solid public service ethic, putting the welfare of our country first, rather than pursuing self-interest or political ambition.

We need leaders who have a strong moral compass, rather than those who are easily manipulate­d or blown about by every wind of change. This doesn’t necessaril­y mean that we should vote for people of faith. Unfortunat­ely, people of faith don’t have a monopoly on integrity. We are all susceptibl­e to losing sight of what is important. So, let’s pray that our leaders will show discernmen­t, wisdom and understand­ing of the issues that we face.

John Wesley had this to say on the occasion of an election which took place on October 6, 1774: “Vote for the person you judge to be most worthy, speak no evil of those you vote against, and take care that your spirit is not sharpened against those who vote for the other side.” Let’s not use this election as an excuse to sow seeds of hatred and hostility. Everyone is entitled to their own point of view, and we can hold different views without being divisive or intolerant.

Being a political leader can be very stressful. It is a role which carries heavy responsibi­lity and is subject to serious pressure. Let’s pray for their health and safety, and also for resilience, whilst being willing to listen well to the electorate and take on board the concerns of ordinary people.

“Gracious God, as we face the choice of whom to vote for, please help us to weigh the arguments and consider the claims and character of the candidates.

Stimulate our minds, stir our hearts, and bless our choosing.

Help us to remember Your instructio­n for us to love our neighbour and live peaceably with them. Amen.”

Ian Toone, lay member of New Life

Church Derby

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