Derby Telegraph

Homes could be on way as developer buys hospital site


A 19TH-century hospital building in Derbyshire has been sold to a residentia­l developer.

Newholme Hospital, in Bakewell, which began life as a workhouse in 1841 and is now being decommissi­oned by the NHS, has been sold by leading property consultanc­y Fisher German to an undisclose­d residentia­l developer.

The hospital in Baslow Road became surplus to requiremen­ts following the announceme­nt of a £11 million NHS integrated health hub, which is being constructe­d on land adjoining the site and is expected to open later this year.

Despite turbulent market conditions as a result of rising interest rates and the complexity of the site, including five Grade II listed buildings, Fisher German has now completed the sale.

The hospital is expected to close when all current health services transfer into the new integrated health hub.

Newholme Hospital was marketed as a developmen­t opportunit­y, with the potential to transform the site, including its listed buildings, into residentia­l accommodat­ion. The developer will be revealing its plans for the site in the coming months.

Rupert Collis, of Fisher German, said: “We are extremely pleased to complete the sale of Newholme Hospital on behalf of NHS Property Services Ltd.

“We worked closely with NHS Property Services throughout the process, as well as with its planning consultant­s Planning and Design Group, which produced an in-depth developmen­t brief which provides guidance to support the redevelopm­ent of Newholme Hospital and was in-turn endorsed by Peak District National Park Authority.

“This was a particular­ly challengin­g site due to the restrictio­ns around the developmen­t of Grade II listed buildings, but we were able to secure a purchaser with a strong reputation in the industry.

“The developer has not yet revealed its plans for the site, but we are confident that any proposed scheme will be highly positive for Bakewell.”

 ?? FISHER GERMAN ?? Plans for the Newholme Hospital site have not yet been revealed
FISHER GERMAN Plans for the Newholme Hospital site have not yet been revealed

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