Derby Telegraph

Wrong to underplay climate change effects


BOB Berrisford (May 15) says we should rely on advice on net zero from the likes of Professor Michael Kelly, who he claims “recognises the detriments of climate change”.

I’m not convinced, Mr Berrisford, as I find that Michael Kelly is a trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation which significan­tly underplays the impact of climate change.

Also, he’s a signatory to an article entitled “No Need to Panic About Global Warming.” I’ve read that article and as far as I’m concerned, he doesn’t recognise how serious unabated climate change is.

As for one of Mr Berrisford’s other references, Mark P. Mills, I found a useful analysis of a video he released that showed his arguments to be very one-sided. The reviewer concluded that the video “shows a sloppy disregard for facts and offers a biased presentati­on of the ones Mills gets right.”

Mark Mills was listed as a scientific adviser to the Greening Earth Society that has promoted high levels of CO2 as beneficial for the environmen­t. Again, the wider dangers of global warming are ignored.

My conclusion is that the people he’s pointing us to won’t take proper account of the impact and cost of failure to take action, so their conclusion­s are unbalanced and they won’t try to find solutions to the challenges we face.

Thankfully, many younger minds are working on ways to decarbonis­e our lives and they are supported by more enlightene­d senior talent. And their progress is real.

For example, one company has developed a hydrogen electrolys­is system that’s an amazing 95% efficient and other companies are now using battery technologi­es that don’t need lithium that are made from commonly available materials. These are the sort of successes that people have claimed were impossible.

Michael Carter

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