Derby Telegraph

SELF help Time to get anti-social?

Should you take a break from social media to look after your mental health? By YOLANTHE FAWEHINMI


If your doctor has suggested you should take up walking as your daily exercise and to get some fresh air, here are some tips to make the most of it.

Start with walking around your block:

If you have a sedentary lifestyle your muscles are probably not used to exercise so you need to start slowly. Walk for 10 to 15 minutes to start with and then increase your speed and distance as it feels comfortabl­e.

Pair up: Ask your partner or a friend to join you. Not only will time fly and you won’t notice you’re exercising but you’ll be socialisin­g, another very important aspect of life and keeping you healthy.

Change your routes:

Don’t walk the same route every day as it can get boring.

Get a pedometer: We all know we should aim for 10,000 steps a day. This idea actually comes from a media campaign for the 1964 Olympics, not scientific research – but it’s a good milestone. Wearing a pedometer will help you reach your goal.

PEOPLE never seem to regret taking social media breaks.

Celebritie­s including former Coronation Street star Helen Flanagan, British actress Millie Bobby Brown, and American singer-songwriter Billie Eilish, have all spoken about the mental health benefits that go hand-inhand with leaving social media for a spell.

So what are the signs that it’s time to log off for a while?

Should people take a social media break?

“Stepping away from devices is important for us all, but particular­ly for young people – as young brains are still developing, exposure to so much content on social media can be harmful and damage their future wellbeing,” says Fiona Yassin, psychother­apist, and founder and clinical director of The Wave Clinic.

“In addition to the mental health risks of social media, we are all (but again, young people especially) at risk from the negative aspects of the internet.”

What are the signs that it’s time to log off for a while?

There are many signs that it might be time to take a break from social media.

“These include, finding you often get annoyed or frustrated with people’s content, comparing yourself to others to the detriment of your health, reaching for your phone first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and scrolling social media when you’re with other people,” Fiona says.

Many young adults and teenagers can feel huge anxiety due to social media. They may feel pressured to continuall­y post perfect photos and write idealised posts to go alongside them.

Fiona says: “Signs that your child or young person is struggling with social media include withdrawal and isolat

ing from friends and family, being upset, disturbed sleep, major distress when you take social media away, significan­t mood changes, and using self-insulting comments”

What is the best way to do it to ensure that it’s effective?

Jas Schembri-Stothart, co-founder of the Luna wellbeing app, encourages people to take the following steps. “Unfollow or mute accounts that provoke negative feelings and contribute to poor mental health; this way the only way you are coming across their content is if you actively search for it,” says Jas.

“Set personal boundaries, like time limits and guardrails around times of the day you want to use social media. Remove comments and ‘like counts’ and mute notificati­ons; silencing popups and adjusting these settings will reduce the urge to keep refreshing your feed to check in on post updates

“Engage with accounts and content that adds value to your life and makes you feel good.”

What are the benefits

Studies have shown that limiting social media use can improve wellbeing by preventing sleep problems. “Many people who use social media experience a fear of missing out, which can drive social media use at night and cause sleep disturbanc­es,” says Fiona.

“Stepping away from social media can help to reduce anxiety no matter what your age. Although social media has not yet been proven to cause depression, it is shown to intensify certain symptoms,” Fiona says.

“Breaking from social media and instead investing time connecting with friends, familMorni­ngy and colleagues in real life, can help to reduce feelings of loneliness.

“Although it is yet to be establishe­d whether the relationsh­ip between social media use and health factors is a direct one, research has shown that reducing social media use, even by just 15 minutes a day, can significan­tly improve general health and immune function.”

 ?? ?? Negative feelings about what you see on social media is a sure sign it’s time to take a break
Negative feelings about what you see on social media is a sure sign it’s time to take a break
 ?? ?? Ex-Corrie star Helen Flanagan is one celebrity advocating social media breaks
Ex-Corrie star Helen Flanagan is one celebrity advocating social media breaks
 ?? ?? Social: Walk with a pal or partner
Social: Walk with a pal or partner
 ?? ??

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