Derby Telegraph

Woman had childhood stolen from her by ‘horrific’ sexual predator, 50


THE victim of a “vile” child rapist says that the catalogue of abuse she suffered has left her unable to put her trust into anybody for almost 20 years.

Sexual predator Martyn Garland carried out the horrific attacks against the girl, who hadn’t even reached her teens, robbing her of her childhood.

The 50-year-old’s crimes came to light when his victim bravely reported the matter to police years later. Garland, of Mercaston Close, Holme Hall, Chesterfie­ld, was charged with a number of offences including rape, sexual assault, cause/incite a girl under 13 to engage in sexual activity and assault by penetratio­n.

Denying the offences, Garland forced the woman to go through a trial but a jury saw through his lies and he was convicted after a trial at

Derby Crown Court. On April 19, when he was jailed for 18 years with an extended licence period of a year, he was also ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register.

In a victim impact statement, the victim said: “I have spent many years crying for the little girl that got trapped inside of me after he destroyed my innocence and my childhood. The trauma has hung over me like a shadow that has crept into every part of my existence leaving me feeling like a lost cause, like I’ve been damaged beyond repair.

“I haven’t been able to put my trust into anybody for almost 20 years and I don’t believe that there is anybody that I will ever fully trust.

“I just so desperatel­y want, need, the pain to stop. I am trying so hard to be stronger. Each day I wake up and I have to force myself to get out of bed when all I want to do is just lay there.

“I live it every day. It’s because I don’t feel like any of these words are enough. They don’t truly convey exactly how much he’s destroyed and how much of my life he’s truly taken away. I know I would be an entirely different person and had an entirely different life had this not happened.”

Detective Constable Tony Pemberton, who led the investigat­ion, said: “Garland is a vile sexual predator who stole this woman’s childhood from her in the most horrific way. His actions continue to have a profound impact on her, with the mental and emotional trauma affecting every aspect of her life.

“He forced her to relive everything in court but thankfully the jury saw straight through his lies and he is now serving a long prison sentence. I’d like to commend the incredible bravery shown by this woman throughout this case.

“Her strength and courage have helped ensure that Garland now faces justice for his appalling crimes. If you’ve ever been a victim of rape or sexual assault, please come forward and speak to us. We will listen without judgement and no matter how long ago the offences took place, we will work to bring those responsibl­e to justice.”

If you or someone you know has been the victim of rape, sexual assault or another sexual offence reach out for help and support.

There is a Rape and Sexual Assault reporting tool on the force’s website. T

here you can report something that’s happened to you, or to someone else.

 ?? ?? Martyn Garland
Martyn Garland

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