Derby Telegraph

No two days ever the same says Martin as healthy relationsh­ip hits fourth decade


A DEDICATED maintenanc­e technician at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has been rewarded for giving 40 years of service award to the NHS.

Martin Burton recently received his 40 Years’ Service Award from Chief Executive, Mark Powell.

This is a particular­ly special award which recognises the dedication and valuable contributi­on of employees over the course of their NHS careers.

In 1984, Martin commenced in his first NHS post and has worked for the Trust’s Estates and Facilities Management department ever since.

Martin has worked as a maintenanc­e technician for 40 years from February this year.

Martin was 26 years old when he first joined the NHS at what used to be known as Pastures Hospital, having developed an interest in maintenanc­e from a young age when he first commenced in plumbing and heating at Derby City Council at apprentice­ship level.

Martin moved to the Kingsway site in Derby when Pastures closed and he has enjoyed working in site maintenanc­e ever since.

Mark Powell, chief executive at Derbyshire Healthcare, visited Martin to thank him for all his hard work over the past 40 years.

He said: “Martin is a familiar face around the Trust. No job has ever been too big or too small for Martin, he has been a fantastic colleague to have as part of Derbyshire Healthcare.

“This award is a great opportunit­y to recognise the dedication of hardworkin­g NHS employees, like Martin, who go the extra mile continuous­ly.”

“A lot has changed since I first started working here,” said Martin.

“I have worked with steam and coal boilers to now gas, which was an

interestin­g change.

“I have also worked with many different people across the Trust from patients to colleagues, contractor­s to visitors – no two days are ever the same.

“The NHS, particular­ly this Trust, has felt like a home for the last 40 years.

“It is a huge achievemen­t to say I have reached 40 years in this role – I have met some fantastic people over the years, particular­ly those within the Estates and Facilities Management department. “My proudest achievemen­t is receiving Employee of the Year in 2009 for reducing stigma in mental health and raising public awareness of mental health issues.”

Martin plans to retire and return on a part-time basis soon so he can continue working in the job he loves, dedicate more time to his family and friends, as well as spending more time visiting Norfolk.

The NHS, particular­ly this Trust, has felt like a home for the last 40 years.

Martin Burton

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 ?? ?? Martin Burton, right, receives his service Award from Mark Powell
Martin Burton, right, receives his service Award from Mark Powell

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