Daily Star Sunday



IT’S still only September but Les Dawson’s daughter is already looking forward to Christmas.

Caring Charlotte dresses up her dad’s statue in his hometown so he’s still part of the family celebratio­ns.

Comedy legend Les has been immortalis­ed in Lytham St Annes near Blackpool.

Charlotte, 31, who is gearing up to star in panto again this year, said: “I love having the statue of Dad nearby. It’s wonderful to have him there.

“I always go to see it on Christmas Day. I put a little festive outfit on him – I dress him up.

“I put a Christmas hat on him, a scarf. I want him to be all warm and cosy. I want to bring Christmas to him.”

And it’s not just at Christmas that Charlotte visits her dad.

The reality TV star star regularly pops by with her favourite grub.

She added: “Through the year I go to visit the statue and take him some chips and gravy.”

Charlotte was just two when Les died aged 62 from a heart attack in June 1993, but she has always felt a strong connection to him.

One way she keeps that bond going is to have conversati­ons with him.

She said: “I always speak to my dad. It’s very therapeuti­c. It’s a chance to get everything off my chest.

“I believe he can hear me. I definitely believe in that. He’s always with me… gurning away.

“I know he can’t speak back to me. But maybe that’s a good thing!”

Charlotte has followed in her dad’s footsteps by going into showbiz.

Over the years she’s appeared on a string of reality shows including Celebs Go Dating.

And these days she’s making people giggle just like he did by doing panto.

This year Charlotte, who is expecting her second child, will be playing Abanazar in Aladdin at

The Globe in Blackpool.

She said: “I’ll be in my hometown and when the show starts I’ll be six months pregnant!”

 ?? ?? MUCH MISSED: Charlotte and statue of Les. Left, with mum Tracy
MUCH MISSED: Charlotte and statue of Les. Left, with mum Tracy

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