Daily Star Sunday

Winter’s coming for Keir Harmer


WELL it didn’t take long did it? Boring headmaster Keir Starmer has already been shown to be totally full of it.

Just months ago he said he felt “disgusted” by the idea of pensioners not being able to heat their homes.

He also posted: “My Labour Party will always be on the side of pensioners let down by the Tories.”

Many voted for him on the basis he was better than the last lot – a pensioners’ pal.

Well, what a difference an election makes.

Since then, the self-proclaimed friend of the elderly has become the biggest threat to old people since deadly doc Harold Shipman.

Granny basher Keir this week stuck to his guns and pushed through a bill that will take £300 winter fuel payments from millions of pensioners.

The old dear hunter’s unimaginab­ly cruel policy will almost certainly leave many pensioners dead.

And many more freezing or unable to afford to heat their homes or eat. And for what? To save a pittance. Labour introduced the winter fuel payment in 1997. Today, nearly 12million people get it, costing £1.8billion. The savings from ditching it would total £1.4bn. Hardly a number worth risking the lives of so many people who have worked for so long and contribute­d so much to the country.

It’s been a bad week for the OAP robber. His Government has had to enact Tory plans to free thousands of dangerous prisoners early because the jails are too full. Maybe pensioners who can’t afford energy bills should embark on a life of crime. At least if they get jailed they’ll have a nice warm cell to live in this coming winter.

Why has Keir done it? As revenge for the large number of old people who continue to vote Tory?

Or is he just a cold-hearted lunatic? Or did he do it to show that he doesn’t care much for the voters or even those in his own party?

That he will forge on with what he wants to do, no matter what.

That he’s the boss. The new sheriff in town who lays down the law.

Well, I have news for him. He was never that popular to begin with.

He romped home in the election because most of the country was fed up with the Tory clown show that screwed up so laughably for 14 years.

Not because anyone really thought he was any good.

We can only hope Starmer can turn around the country’s fortunes.

But this is not a good start.

With this fuel policy he is in danger of becoming known as Keir Harmer.

And if he doesn’t act to shake that reputation quickly, his grip on the Labour leadership won’t last long.

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