Daily Star Sunday




13 Biscuit (10)

14 Small food fish (7)

15 Stale (6)

16 Breed of sheep (6)

17 Army division (7)

18 Concerning (5)

19 Unable to walk (4)

20 Type of race (5)

21 Trembling poplar (5)

22 Resonation­s (6)

23 Parturitio­n (5)

28 Hedonist (7)

30 Mechanical device (7)

33 Chastise (9)

36 Chess piece (6)

38 Command (5)

39 Planet (5)

40 Song of loyalty (6)

42 Small coin (5)

43 Fragile (7)

44 On a boat (6)

46 Upper-class (4) 49 Competent (4)

51 Moving forwards (6)

53 North African country (7)

55 Range (5)

59 Fault (6)

60 Near (5)

61 Procession (5)

62 Tree (6)

63 Athlete (9)

65 Compunctio­n (7)

66 Fruit (7)

70 Pharmaceut­ical products (5)

71 User (6)

73 Male lover (5)

75 Mob (5)

80 Weapons (4)

82 Abdominal pain (5)

83 Attire (7)

84 Ukrainian port (6)

85 Superficia­l appearance (6)

86 Nonsense (7)

87 Thrice (5,5)


1 Dairy product (6)

2 Everyday (8)

3 Senior monk (5)

4 Wordy (7)

5 Counsel (6)

6 Trite (5)

7 Agree (6)

8 Body colour (7)

9 The past (6,4)

10 Unfilled (5)

11 Remote (8)

12 First man (4)

24 Shreds (7)

25 Kiosk (5)

26 Soon (7)

27 Leaves helpless (7)

29 Sudden forward motion (5)

31 Inspection of accounts (5)

32 Shade of blue (4)

34 Appropriat­e (6)

35 Rebuff (4)

37 Native of Genoa (7) 41 Local (7)

45 Stress (6)

47 Competitio­n (7)

48 Piece (7)

50 Paging device (7)

52 Search (4)

54 Gemstones (5)

56 Unpoetic writing (5)

57 In this place (4)

58 Dessert (5)

60 Ornamental light holder (10)

64 Organ stop (8)

67 Bad-tempered (8)

68 Large jug (7)

69 Portrait (7)

72 Potential danger (6)

74 Ring of flowers (6)

76 Bowls (6)

77 Twenty (5)

78 Taut (5)

79 Ramshackle dwelling (5)

81 Ridge of coral (4)

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