Daily Star Sunday

Soaper Star!


A picture-perfect Christmas morning is spoiled when Marlon reaches breaking point with Gus. Following a chat with Paddy, Marlon is convinced to try again. Later, Gus is taken aback by the incredible dinner Marlon has whipped up. And after raising an emotional toast to loved ones, the Christmas celebratio­ns are back on track.

Chas pushes Belle to give a proposal another go after the first one went awry. And when Tom is taken to an ice rink, he discovers Belle has arranged a proposal with help from Olympic ice skaters Torvill and Dean.

Elsewhere, Mackenzie is seen unconsciou­s and bound to a chair in an abandoned factory. Amit’s uneasy when Suni urges him to tell the truth about the day Rishi died. Nicola convinces impressed Jimmy and annoyed Bob to help her prepare the B&B for a party as she prepares to run for mayor. And Heath and Cathy come up with a plan to get to a party of their own in Hotten.

Realising something is amiss with Peter, Carla pushes him to open up and, eventually, Peter decides to leave the street and bids farewell to his family. Just as Carla comes to terms with him leaving, a lad called Bobby turns up and reveals he’s the son of her brother, Rob Donovan. Carla agrees Bobby can stay for a few weeks, if he plays by her rules.

Meanwhile, on Christmas Day, Ed’s overwhelme­d with guilt as he receives a watch inscribed with “World’s Best Dad”. And when the truth comes out, the Bailey family are horrified to learn the extent of Ed’s gambling. Michael wants Ed gone, while Dee-Dee is angry with boyfriend Joel and uncle Ronnie who both knew about her dad’s addiction.

Also, Jenny tells Daisy that their bid was accepted and the Rovers is now officially theirs. And Cassie gets Abi in trouble when she suggests to Kevin that the damaged Porsche was a result of Abi’s drinking.

Sharon continues to mask her guilt as she and Keanu get ready for their wedding. Bernie pleads with Keanu to tell Sharon the truth about Albie’s kidnap so Karen can come home. But Keanu refuses and bars Bernie from the wedding fearing his involvemen­t will come to light. At the church, Sharon and Keanu are about to say “I do” when Phil bursts in.

Back in The Vic, Denise, Kathy, Linda, Sharon, Stacey and Suki seek solace as they try to process the events of the day, but in a flash, their lives are permanentl­y changed forever as a Walford male meets his fate. Suki prepares to leave but a surprise visitor stops her in her tracks. And then she receives a panicked phone call from Vinny, which forces her to return home.

And on Christmas Day, the atmosphere between Stacey and Jack is tense when she collects Charli before the Slaters enjoy a festive family lunch.

Nana tries to persuade Warren to leave the village so Mercedes can come home, but he refuses. Returning home, Nana is unable to get in the house. While leaving Mercedes a voicemail message, she is taken ill and collapses.

James tells Ste he’s signed up for anger management classes and that he is going to start putting the family first after a confrontat­ion with Lucas. And Darren’s caught out sending a naughty photo to his wife, Nancy, who decides to return to the village very soon.

It’s Christmas in Erinsborou­gh, and all the families are enjoying their respective celebratio­ns, but the festivitie­s don’t put the Street’s drama on hold. An accident at home has the potential to bring two neighbours close together, but also put a friendship in jeopardy.

Elsewhere, Melanie must face the fallout of her past decisions, while Nell sets Toadie on a dangerous path. But after all that, love is in the air as the residents of Ramsay Street come together to celebrate a beautiful union between Chloe and Elly.

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