Daily Star Sunday

Bath prime for Mariah



Backstage Q&A with Mimi Webb

THE Kent lass topped off a fantastic 2023 with festive offering Back Home For Christmas. I caught up with Mimi to discuss holiday traditions and more…

Q: How has the year treated you?

A: “Great, in fact so good I have just moved home. I like to keep all the things I get from fans at shows, so in the end my whole place was flooded, I was hoarding everything in this tiny flat and it started to become so cramped. It’s amazing to have the extra room now and I am so happy here.”

Q: How did your song Back Home For Christmas come about?

A: “The crazy thing is it was just a pop song before, it wasn’t anywhere close to a Christmas song, so it was so cool to change it. We did it in mid-summer. We were like, ‘Let’s try and make it into a Christmas song’. It was so much fun.”

Q: Would you like a Christmas No1 like LadBaby?

A: “If it’s not this year it can be any year, especially as music changes as the years go by. It honestly is all about the festive love and spirit. Whatever happens in the charts, the most important thing is bringing that love and joy.”

Q: What’s the worst gift you’ve had at Christmas?

A: “Me and my brother have opened each other’s presents. I have always loved music and singing but I remember one year unwrapping a football kit!”

Q: Favourite song?

“I love the Michael Bublé album and all the old school songs. They’re so special.”

Q: Any special traditions?

A: “We have a Christmas Eve book and have done every year since I was eight. We sit around while Dad reads it and everyone has a glass of whisky. Boxing Day is always so much fun. I tend to drink more on Boxing Day, and chill on Christmas Day.”

ALL Mariah Carey wants for Christmas is… a lovely bath.

She endured a tough Crimbo last year but a good soak helped her get over it.

Mariah shared: “I’ve been looking forward to this Christmas for the whole year because last year wasn’t the greatest. I’m thankful for them all, but it wasn’t my most fun version of Christmas ever.

“It’s like these little things that can take you from possibly being in a really bad mood to just being in a better place immediatel­y… I don’t read anything written about me. That’s one of my coping mechanisms. It’s taking a bath.”

Mariah’s vocal range is legendary, but so are her baths and she often conducts interviews from the tub: “Everybody gets mad at me when they talk to me and I’m in the bath. They’re like, ‘It’s a little boomy where you are. What are you doing?’ But I’ve been like that since I was little.

“If someone is kind enough to say, ‘OK, I know you’re probably going to want to get inside and go in the bath, so I’ll run it for you’ – well…”

Steady fellas, anyone reaching for the taps has to abide by the rules: “Too many bubbles, that gets a little bit out of control because then you can’t just lay back without getting bubbles all over you.

“I prefer the bath salts, especially if you’re a little sore. My latest favourite are the orange ones.

They’re really good.

And then some bath oils.” Is Boots still open?

Forget the diva tag, Mariah sounds like a right royal princess: “I need to take milk baths again. Cleopatra bathed in milk, darling. If you’re unaware, you should be aware of this.”

Good luck this Christmas to the Carey family.

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