Daily Mirror

Life starts now

Wrongly jailed for murder in 1991, Oliver is finally cleared thanks to new evidence

- BY TOM PETTIFOR Crime Editor tom.pettifor@mirror.co.uk @tpettifor

A BRAIN-damaged man jailed for life for murder as a teenager has won his 33-year battle for justice after finally being cleared.

Oliver Campbell was convicted in 1991 of shooting shopkeeper Baldev Hoondle in front of his son.

Oliver was interviewe­d without a lawyer by detectives, who were accused of lying and bullying.

Baldev’s son failed to pick him out in an identity parade and hairs recovered from a baseball cap thought to have been worn by the killer were not his.

The gunman was also said to be right-handed, while Oliver is not.

Three Court of Appeal judges ruled yesterday that the conviction was “unsafe”, citing new evidence about his mental state.

Oliver, 54, said: “The fight for justice is finally over after nearly 34 years.

“I can start my life an innocent man.”

Oliver was 19 and had no prior conviction­s when Mr Hoondle was shot in the head during a bungled robbery in Hackney, East London, in 1990.

A witness said the gunman’s accomplice shouted: “What on earth have you done? I never dreamed you would resort to that kind of violence.”

Oliver was jailed following a trial at

The fight is finally over. I can start my life an innocent man...


the Old Bailey, having also been convicted of conspiracy to rob.

He was freed on licence in 2002 and has been living under restrictio­ns meaning he needs permission to get a job and cannot travel abroad.

At a hearing in February, Michael Birnbaum KC representi­ng Oliver, who suffered severe brain damage as a baby, said he was “badgered and bullied” into giving a false confession.

In yesterday’s ruling, Lord Justice Holroyde, sitting with Mr Justice Bourne and Mrs Justice Stacey, dismissed the “serious allegation­s” against the police.

But they found new evidence in relation to false confession­s meant the conviction was unsafe.

Forensic psychologi­st Prof Gisli Hannes Gudjonsson said there was a “high risk” that his mental disabiliti­es meant he confessed to the murder during 14 relentless interviews.

Co-defendant Eric Samuels, who has since died, was jailed for five years for robbery but had told police at the time that Oliver, of Ipswich, Suffolk, was innocent and not with him that fateful night.

The Crown Prosecutio­n Service had opposed the appeal but said it respected the judgment of the court.

 ?? ?? CELEBRATE Oliver Campbell has had 33 years of fighting to clear name
CELEBRATE Oliver Campbell has had 33 years of fighting to clear name
 ?? ?? CAMPAIGN Oliver and his supporters at High Court
CAMPAIGN Oliver and his supporters at High Court

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