Daily Mirror

‘They’ve killed my son’

Mum’s cry during airport chaos as she claims officer tasered her face

- BY HOLLIE BONE hollie.bone@mirror.co.uk @Hollie_Savannah

A GRANDMOTHE­R was allegedly tasered in the face by a police officer who kicked her son in the head.

Shameem Akhtar, 56, screamed “they’ve killed my son” in Urdu as Fahir Amaaz, 19, lay on the ground during the incident at Manchester airport on July 23.

Greater Manchester Police is investigat­ing after footage of the incident – in which one officer suffered a broken nose – sparked protests after appearing online.

Shameem held a press conference yesterday alongside Fahir and her other son, Muhammad Amaad, 25, to “set the record straight” about the incident.

The family’s solicitor, Aamer Anwar, said: “The family have been subjected to horrific racist and Islamophob­ic abuse on social media, and there has been a campaign of disinforma­tion in an attempt to justify alleged police violence.”

He added: “If the two young men sat next to me, and seen on video, stand accused of criminalit­y, they must face robust, due legal process.

“The young men sat next to me do not have a single criminal conviction, not even a speeding ticket.

“In fact, members of the family are serving police officers with Greater Manchester Police and other members of the family in other areas of the country.

“Mr Amaad himself has undergone an interview process to join the GMP.”


An officer has been suspended and is facing a criminal investigat­ion following the incident, which is being probed by the Independen­t Office for Police Conduct.

The family yesterday made further allegation­s of police mistreatme­nt, claiming officers did not have their body cameras on. They also say an officer told Muhammad he would “kill” him.

They also claimed Fahir had been dragged out of view from CCTV cameras and other police officers, before one knelt on his neck and called him a “dirty c***”.

A photo of Shameem with a large bruise under her left eye was also shown to reporters. The family claimed she had been tasered in the face in front of her six-year-old grandson.

They say Shameem had been the target of racist abuse from another passenger on her Qatar Airways flight before “pandemoniu­m” later broke out in the airport. He claimed that the mum was extremely upset after the passenger called her “a P***” and continued his abuse by shoving her with his bags in the baggage hall.

Following the release of the footage last month, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, urged people to “take a step back” and allow the authoritie­s to carry out their investigat­ions.

Fahir and Muhammad were among four men arrested on suspicion of affray and assault.

GMP said: “Investigat­ions are ongoing. We are fully co-operating with the independen­t investigat­ion, while actively pursuing lines of inquiry. “We have obtained CCTV footage and are continuing to appeal for witnesses.”

Aamer Anwar with a picture of bruised Shameem Akhtar
INJURIES Aamer Anwar with a picture of bruised Shameem Akhtar
 ?? ?? SHOCKING An officer strikes Fahir Amaaz as he lies on floor
SHOCKING An officer strikes Fahir Amaaz as he lies on floor
 ?? ?? OUR SIDE
The family with their solicitor yesterday
OUR SIDE The family with their solicitor yesterday
 ?? ?? CHAOTIC
CCTV of the incident in the airport
CHAOTIC CCTV of the incident in the airport
 ?? ?? ANGER Protest in Manchester last month
ANGER Protest in Manchester last month

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