Daily Mirror

Wake up, Biden, and stand down

- Edited by AMANDA EVANS

■ IT is perfectly clear that Joe Biden is unsuitable to be president of America for a further term following his embarrassi­ng TV debate with Donald Trump.

You must meet fire with fire, but sadly dithering Joe lit the fire for convicted felon Trump.

All he had to do was repeat over and over, “Why should anybody believe a proven serial liar?”, reminding us of Partygate and Boris Johnson.

Trump promises to end the Russian-Ukraine war overnight if elected with his magic wand of deceit, no doubt putting world stability in turmoil.

Don’t forget his business connection­s with the evil Putin regime. Trump is a danger to the world. But for heaven’s sake, Joe, quit in the name of humanity.

Bill Cook, Teignmouth, Devon

■ It was, without doubt, a painful watch, and anything but dignified, seeing the President and ex-president debating.

If anything, it proved the case that Biden is not fit for office, and in the interest of America and his own welfare, he should stand down and hand the reins over. They need someone younger who is at least lucid and able to frustrate Trump’s bid for the White House, and win over the American people.

Michael Smith Chatham, Kent

■ Having watched the debate between Biden and Trump, I can only come to one conclusion: God Help America.

The people of America are between a rock and a hard place. They have to choose between an out-of-control raving lunatic and a man who is losing his faculties at an alarming rate. For the sake of the rest of the world, let’s hope they choose the latter.

Roger Grant Thurnscoe, South Yorkshire

■ The decision by the US Supreme Court that Donald Trump is immune from prosecutio­n for anything that he did “officially” as president is insane.

By allowing a dangerous demagogue like Trump to do what he wants, the judges are risking underminin­g the entire American political system.

Biden should take their ruling seriously and act like Trump would. If he loses in November, he should refuse to accept the result on the grounds that another Trump presidency would be a disaster for the US and the entire free world.

Brett Grainger, Rugeley, Staffs

■ Anyone who watched Biden on TV would realise he has to go. He is simply not lucid enough to hold office. You can clearly see he isn’t up to the job any more. He is 81 and in anyone’s book, that is far too old to hold office.

He also seems unsteady on his feet and can’t string a sentence together. Is that the best America has got?

Malcolm Waters

South East London

■ I thought the UK was the laughing stock of the world but having witnessed the Biden and Trump debate, I can say it is in fact the US.

How can America allow Biden to run the country? He cannot debate properly, slurs his words and is not someone to look up to.

I was interested to read Nancy Pelosi, a former House Speaker, asked if Biden has “a condition”. It certainly seems that way.

His time is done. It’s time for him to end the race for re-election.

Neville Brain, Northampto­n

■ Why doesn’t the Democratic Party get a grip of the situation and force Biden to step down?

It makes no sense to me. He should not be President.

Charlie Ricketts, Maidenhead, Berks

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