Daily Mirror

Swiss HQ a haven of tranquilli­ty as team prepare for England

- EXCLUSIVE BY ANDY LINES Chief Reporter in Stuttgart and PAUL BYRNE in Erfurt

NO police, no security and no helmets. Switzerlan­d’s players are super relaxed ahead of Saturday’s Euros clash with England.

They even jump on their bikes to cycle, on the quiet country roads, to their training ground.

This is how the Swiss roll.

The Mirror visited their team HQ in an upmarket leafy village just outside Stuttgart.

It’s like an upmarket holiday resort. And the players could not be more laid back.

Even in light rain the whole squad cycled to training rather than use their allocated team bus – which was left unused at the side of the Waldhotel.

Among those filmed on their bikes was Manuel Akanji from the Premier League champions Manchester City.

A second group included Newcastle’s Fabian Schar, Xherdan Shaqiri, formerly of Liverpool and Stoke, and Inter Milan’s Yann Sommer.

Denis Zakaria, ex-Chelsea, also happily jumped on his bike.

As they cycled to their training ground they could have popped into local bar and restaurant Ferdinand.

It is unclear if it was named after Man United legend Rio or his uncle, former QPR, Newcastle and Spurs striker Les.

A small group of fans waited patiently outside the hotel for six hours to catch a glimpse of their heroes. It was worth the effort – as the players rode up the steep ramp from the undergroun­d car park they stopped to sign every single requested autograph and pose for selfies.

Switzerlan­d supporter Julian Kruemmel said: “Our players are incredible – they are very laid back and always stop to speak to the fans. “They always cycle to training. They could take the bus but they don’t want to. It’s not the Swiss way.”

Julian, 32, who works in logistics and lives near Lucerne, was visiting his grandad who lives near the training ground and this week celebrated his 98th birthday.

“He’s an amazing man,” he said.

“He drinks wine, whisky and beer and is absolutely fine.

“Let’s hope for a Swiss win against England. I did speak to one of the players – I can’t say who – and he said they were very confident and felt we would win if England keep playing like they have been so far.” Yuchen Wang, 26, a Chinese university student wearing a Manchester City shirt, was also seeking a fleeting moment with the Swiss stars.

He was visibly moved when Akanji stopped to sign his top. “It was fantastic – the Swiss players were amazing,” said Yuchen, who is studying robotic systems in Aachen.

“I waited six hours and the players were kind enough to

stop. It made it worthwhile.”

Our players are incredible – they are very laid back & always talk to the fans


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BY A WHISKER “Psychic” seals at Sea Life Weymouth plump for an England victory over Switzerlan­d in tomorrow’s clash
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HAVING A BALL Midfielder Renato Steffen in training
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