Daily Mirror

37 in hospital after mystery E.coli surge

Hunt to find food blamed for outbreak

- BY MARTIN BAGOT Health Editor

AT least 37 people have been hospitalis­ed by a national E.coli outbreak caused by a mystery food item.

The UK Health Security Agency said testing shows most of the 113 cases reported in the past fortnight are part of a single outbreak.

Investigat­ors are trying to establish which food item is responsibl­e so it can be removed from shops.

UKHSA said: “Based on the wide geographic spread of cases, it is most likely that this outbreak is linked to a nationally distribute­d food item or multiple food items.”

E.coli bacteria are normally harmless and live in the intestines of humans and animals.

But some strains produce toxins that can make people very ill, such as the Shiga toxin-producing form of E.coli, known as Stec. Trish Mannes, of UKHSA, said: “Symptoms of infections with Stec include severe and sometimes bloody diarrhoea, stomach cramps, vomiting and fever.

“Washing hands and using disinfecta­nts to clean surfaces will help stop infections spreading. If unwell with diarrhoea and vomiting, you should not prepare food for others, and avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes. RIsk fAcTOR

“Do not return to work, school or nursery until 48 hours after symptoms stop.”

Those who have fallen ill are aged from two to 79. Symptoms usually last two weeks but some patients that have at Meanwhile, Sheep’s causes been declared may Green found kidney The develop huge one safe weeks in Environmen­t failure. of the levels bathing the a after River condition of government’s it E.coli sites. Cam was Agency the Cambridge about bacteria discovered six times to be in levels. above Some approved people were violently ill after ingesting the river water. Campaigner­s blame the pollution on sewage from an Anglian Water E.coli a plant. study bacteria The next company year to said see it what will do is causing the poor water quality. martin.bagot@mirror.co.uk @MartinBago­t

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