Daily Mirror

Died of thirst... curled up by dad

Toddler Bronson killed by dehydratio­n after father has heart attack

- BY DAN WARBURTON dan.warburton@mirror.co.uk @DailyMirro­rDan

A TWO-year-old boy found dead next to his dad’s body died from dehydratio­n, an inquest heard.

Bronson Battersby was curled up at the legs of his father Kenneth, 60, who had suffered a fatal heart attack.

They were discovered after a social worker and the landlady of their basement flat gained entry on January 9.

Mr Battersby’s body was blocking the living room door. It was not initially known that Bronson was also inside.

Bronson appeared “quite malnourish­ed”, an inquest opening at Lincoln coroner’s court was told.

DI Claire Rimmer, of Lincolnshi­re Police, confirmed a “malnourish­ed” but living dog was also found in the property and the bath was full of water.

Bronson had been living in the flat in

Skegness, Lincs, with Kenneth since his dad’s separation from his mum in 2022.

The toddler’s mum was living with two of his older siblings at another address in the town. A rapid review was launched following the discovery.

At the time, it was revealed the family was known to children’s services and the local authority confirmed a social worker “had contact” with Mr Battersby on December 27 and had arranged a home visit for January 2. But when that appointmen­t was missed the police were called.

The social worker tried to make contact again on January 4 and followed it up five days later.

On the same day a neighbour called

police to say they had not seen Mr Battersby for several days and there was a smell coming from the flat.

Lincolnshi­re Safeguardi­ng Children Partnershi­p, involving the county council, police and health organisati­ons, will hold an independen­t review of the deaths and look into preventing similar incidents in the future. It is expected to take up to six months.

The Partnershi­p’s chairman Chris Cook said: “It’s important we take time to explore fully the circumstan­ces surroundin­g this tragic incident and identify any potential improvemen­ts that we could make.”

The provisiona­l date for the full inquest is December 10.

It is very important we explore this tragic incident


Bronson was found dead in his home
Flowers left at father and son’s basement flat
Kenneth with two-year-old son Bronson
HEARTBREAK Bronson was found dead in his home TRIBUTE Flowers left at father and son’s basement flat TRAGEDY Kenneth with two-year-old son Bronson

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