Daily Mirror

Family sues Boots over death of gran, 77, ‘exposed to asbestos aged 15’

Chemist denies breaching duty of care to Anne

- BY HOLLIE BONE hollie.bone@mirror.co.uk @Hollie_Savannah

The floors were very dusty, I swept them twice a day


THE family of a former shop girl who died 60 years after being allegedly poisoned by asbestos is suing Boots for £135,000.

Grandmothe­r-of-four Anne Lawton, 77, who joined the high street chemist at 15, was diagnosed in 2019 with the incurable asbestosli­nked cancer, mesothelio­ma.

She died in February 2021 before her compensati­on claim against Boots could reach the High Court.

She had said she was repeatedly exposed to deadly amounts of asbestos dust during a refit of her store in Hanley, Stoke, Staffs.

Her family are accusing Boots of “failing to take cheap and simple steps” to protect its staff from asbestos dust. The company denies breaching its duty to Mrs Lawton or that there was a “foreseeabl­e risk” of her suffering a deadly disease.

When Mrs Lawton joined Boots from school the store was being completely refurbishe­d, which included the installati­on of suspended ceilings containing asbestos, her lawyers say.

In a statement, Mrs Lawton, of Cheadle, Staffs, said the work meant floors were “incredibly dusty”.

She said: “I was given a broom and told to sweep the floors a couple of times a day. Every floor was dusty, including the locker room, which was next to where a suspended ceiling was being fitted. I remember seeing dust on the floor, which we all kicked up as we moved about.

“I had dust all over my clothes when I did this.” After the refit, Mrs Lawton continued to be exposed to poisonous dust when sent to the store basement, where there were pipes with damaged lagging, it is claimed. Mrs Lawton eventually left her job at Boots in 1969-70.

Her family’s barrister, Simon Kilvington KC, said there is no evidence the defendant took any of the “cheap and simple steps” to reduce the risk of asbestos poisoning.

He said part of the alleged exposure happened after the “explosion” in public knowledge about the dangers of asbestos following a report in 1965. It confirmed mesothelio­ma could be caused even by “light and brief ” exposure to asbestos dust.

Barrister John Williams KC, for Boots, said it denies the risk of Mrs Lawton being injured was “foreseeabl­e”, based on the standards of the time, and any “breach of duty” which it owed to her. He said pre-1965, it was thought deadly disease was only a risk if there was “heavy and prolonged” exposure to asbestos.

He said investigat­ing pipe lagging only became recommende­d practice later, “after the period we are concerned with”. The trial continues.

 ?? ?? TRAGIC ENDING Anne Lawton as a young woman
TRAGIC ENDING Anne Lawton as a young woman

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