Daily Mirror

Would-be MP quits over crude remarks


A TORY candidate in a key battlegrou­nd seat has quit the election race after being exposed for making lurid sexual comments.

Sam Trask, expected to “respect the dignity of all” in his role as a magistrate, once boasted his favoured bra size measuring technique was “handsizing them by feel”.

In the unearthed graphic online post, he added: “Maybe have to make a more detailed inspection with my lips and tongue... for accuracy, of course.”

After being confronted by the Mirror, married dad-of-two Mr Trask apologised and said he had decided to withdraw as a candidate.

Mr Trask – who has met PM Rishi Sunak – was picked as the Conservati­ve candidate in Bridgend, South Wales, where the party has a slim majority. Aircraft engineer Mr Trask is a Welsh Conservati­ves councillor in Rhondda and was appointed a Justice of the Peace in February 2016, according to his declaratio­n of interests.

His personal website paints him as a charitable family man who sends “dangerous offenders to prison” as well as “helping children when things aren’t right at home”.

But unearthed posts reveal another side to his character.

Only years before he became a magistrate and then councillor, Mr Trask – who is also a fitness instructor – made tasteless posts on an online fitness forum in 2013.

As well as the bra comments, he made this disquietin­g remark on a question and answer thread: “If a woman with big boobs seems to idly rub them against you, is she flirting or are they getting in the way?”

Jonathan Ashworth, Shadow Paymaster General, said: “These lurid revelation­s pose serious questions about the calibre of candidates the Tories have been forced to select.”

Mr Trask, 40, said: “These comments were made a number of years ago, and I recognise they are wholly inappropri­ate. For that I apologise and have decided to withdraw as a candidate.”

 ?? ?? EXIT Sam Trask at No10
EXIT Sam Trask at No10

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