Daily Mirror


- BY JOHN CROSS Chief Football Writer @johncrossm­irror

THE banner in the away end establishe­d one of English football’s greatest love affairs.

It was on Saturday, October 17, 2015 during Liverpool’s goalless draw at Tottenham. It had a big picture of Jurgen Klopp and it read: ‘We Believe.’

That was Klopp’s first game in charge and came days after his introducto­ry press conference when he promised to turn doubters into believers.

It was not an auspicious start but the foundation­s had been laid for a unique connection between manager and fans.

It also became a game-changing moment for English football. Klopp was among the first managers to go over to the fans after every game. Part of the attraction in hiring Klopp was his incredible relationsh­ip with Dortmund’s fans.

Liverpool fans were desperate for success but three weeks later, when they lost at home to Crystal Palace, Klopp said he felt “pretty alone” because home supporters had left early. They deserted their team in his eyes.

Then in December after a 2-2 draw with West Brom at Anfield, Klopp gathered his players together and took them over to celebrate in front of the Kop. After a 2-2 draw with West Brom at home.

How he was mocked. But his explanatio­n was simple: he wanted to appreciate and pay tribute to their support even in the bad times.

That was typical Klopp.

After the 3-3 draw at Aston Villa this week, he marched over, beat his chest and looked visibly moved by their support. This guy is special. From the weekend he arrived – having a cheeky pint in a Liverpool boozer – he loved mixing with the fans.

Klopp has a side to him, make no mistake. He can turn quickly in a press conference.

But he’s also got an aura, delivering the long-awaited title to Anfield as well as another European Cup. He made us all dream again.

More importantl­y, he has done it with style, class and humanity. And with a real connection which will not be lost even after his departure.

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