Daily Mirror

It could bee you...

£1million lotto win lets couple follow their sweetest dreams

- BY ADAM ASPINALL adam.aspinall@mirror.co.uk @MirrorAsp

The hives are thriving, our home looks amazing and we are producing plenty of honey JEFF PRITCHARD ON HIS BEEKEEPING BUSINESS

A COUPLE who scooped £1million on EuroMillio­ns are buzzing after it allowed them to spend more time with their beloved bees.

Jeff and Davinia Pritchard say the windfall has allowed them to dedicate even more hours to expanding their bee empire, improving quality of life for themselves and the local bee population.

The couple were working full time – Jeff as a works manager and Davinia as a coordinato­r for the Welsh Ambulance Service – and feared they would have to sell their home to fund their retirement.

But that changed the day Jeff checked a message from The National Lottery and discovered that, instead of the usual £6.40, they had won £1m.

The couple had always loved keeping bees and found it the perfect way to relax while channellin­g their love for the environmen­t. Since the win, in June 2015, they have been able to grow their small business. Jeff, 60, said: “I’ve always loved being outdoors with my bees, and our win made that easier to do.

“I was able to retire early, giving me more time to spend with the family, but also time for the simple things in life like tending to my bees and improving the land around our home to ensure a truly bee-friendly environmen­t.

“As a result, the hives are thriving, our home looks amazing and we are producing plenty of lovely local honey.”

Davinia, 58, added: “Before we won, we already felt we’d hit the jackpot having bought our dream cottage.

“Then, thanks to that dose of lottery luck, we were able to clear the mortgage and complete the renovation works so we had more space for the family and can make the most of the garden.

“During the pandemic, being able to come home here to recharge and forget the day was utterly priceless.”

Making the most of the outdoors is important to the couple, from Porthyrhyd in Carmarthen­shire, South Wales, who met at school and married at 18.

Since retiring, Davinia has climbed South Wales’ highest peak, Pen Y Fan.

She said: “Before the win, I wouldn’t have been able to afford the profession­al help I needed to lose weight.

“Having finally reached the top of Pen y Fan, I’m literally at my peak fitness.”

 ?? ?? BUZZING Jeff and Davinia in their garden in South Wales
BUZZING Jeff and Davinia in their garden in South Wales
 ?? ?? WE’RE IN THE HONEY Jeff checks one of their beehives
WE’RE IN THE HONEY Jeff checks one of their beehives
 ?? ?? HIVE MIND The couple’s haven for bees
HIVE MIND The couple’s haven for bees

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