Daily Mirror

Speaking from the heart

- Linda Nolan

IT was my great-niece Nevaeh’s first holy communion on Sunday but she wasn’t too impressed with her frock.

All in white, with a veil and little ankle socks and shoes, she looked as heavenly as her name (yep, spell it backwards, folks). But her face… All she wanted on was her United kit.

Aged nine, she’s brilliant at football, and she and her mates were back in their kit again by the meal.

Her grandmothe­r, Anne, covered that veil in diamantes and a bow at the back. She looked gorgeous – but a veil was what was drawn over it pretty quick.

My great-niece Roma has already announced that when she has her communion she’ll be wearing a white suit. Oh my god. First communions were a much bigger thing when I did mine, and I was thrilled with my dress. We went for a Chinese meal afterwards because back then it was the only restaurant open on a Sunday. I kept my veil on.

What a fabulous family day though. Crammed in the pews despite getting there early; “move up”, me squeezing to the end with my stick. These occasions make me happiest nowadays. Doing the same things we’ve always done. All I really want now is those times.

I’ve booked a family holiday for us siblings in June. We’re off to Scarboroug­h, my treat. Well, you can’t take it with you...

It’s a converted barn with five en-suites. I love them – but I don’t want them in my bathroom. As kids, we had two weeks in

South Wales once but worked the clubs. I do remember a holiday to Benidorm though. The Brunswick Club, which we did a number of seasons for, sent us, and I don’t remember singing. I’m not sure why. Who cares? It was so exciting.

If we get some sun though, Scarboroug­h beats Benidorm any day. As long as we’re all there, that’s the main thing. We always have such a laugh. My brothers are the next Cannon and Ball.

We’ve had our moments like any family but I’m so lucky we all get on so well. And naturally, I’ll have the best room. That helps. All I hope now is that I get my teeth in time. The dental saga rumbles on… And still no one has given me a sticker.

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