Daily Mirror

BBC jobs ‘rigged’

Four female journalist­s’ sex and age discrimina­tion legal case under way

- BY TOM BRYANT Head of Showbiz tom.bryant@mirror.co.uk @MirrorTom

FOUR female journalist­s have begun legal action against the BBC over alleged sex and age discrimina­tion.

Martine Croxall, Annita McVeigh, both 55, Karin Giannone, 50, and Kasia Madera, 48, claim they lost their roles following a rigged applicatio­n process.

In statements, the women said: “This was because of a sham recruitmen­t exercise where our jobs were closed even though the redundanci­es were not genuine as the work still exists.”

They launched their case after being snubbed over chief presenter roles.

It followed the merger of the BBC’s News and World News channels, which was announced in July 2022.

A decision has yet to be made on whether they can make an equal pay claim. Ms Croxall said “the BBC grinds you down” when it comes to pay claims.

Yesterday the group attended a preliminar­y two-day hearing at the Central London Employment tribunal after filing the claim with a fifth journalist who is no longer part of the case.

The chief presenter roles went to two men, Matthew Amroliwala, 62, and Christian Fraser, 50, and three women, Yalda Hakim, 40, Maryam Moshiri, 46, and Lucy Hockings, 49, in February.

The BBC is resisting the women’s legal claim in which they allege they lost their jobs and were kept off air for a year when they challenged the process.

They allege they have suffered victimisat­ion, harassment and damage to their reputation, adding they have not been paid equally compared with male counterpar­ts since February 2020.

The women claimed there was a gap of about £36,000 a year in pensionabl­e salary as of February last year.

The BBC insists its applicatio­n process was rigorous and fair, and also denied the claims the women were paid less than an equivalent male colleague, according to the corporatio­n’s website.

 ?? ?? CLAIMS Martine Croxall, Karin Giannone, Kasia Madera and Annita McVeigh
CLAIMS Martine Croxall, Karin Giannone, Kasia Madera and Annita McVeigh

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