Daily Mirror


Saved from meat farm .. now ‘gentle Henry’, 7, helps out at care home

- BY NADA FARHOUD Environmen­t Editor nada.farhoud@mirror.co.uk @NadaFarhou­d

He was scared of his own reflection. We wondered if his soul was broken


GOLDEN retriever Henry was destined to end up on the dinner table after being raised on a filthy South Korean meat farm.

He lived in a tiny cage with his mother and two sisters, surviving sub-zero winters and searing summers, fed nothing but putrid restaurant waste.

That was until Henry, along with 170 other dogs, was rescued from the farm by Humane Society Internatio­nal.

Now seven, he spends his time visiting a care home to give comfort to residents.

Owner Claire Bass, who was part of the rescue mission, said: “His joy and generosity of spirit is infectious.

“Our visits always deliver smiles and often spark memories from the residents about dogs they have loved.

“Sometimes, when a resident is sad or withdrawn, Henry spends extra time with his head in their lap. He is the gentlest soul and so full of love.”

His new life in Brighton, East Sussex, is a world away from where he started.

Claire, who is senior director of campaigns and public affairs for

HSI, explained: “Like so many farmers seeing a decline in the popularity and profitabil­ity of dog meat, Henry’s farmer wanted a way out of farming dogs, and we helped him to repurpose his land to grow vegetables. “Had HSI not made this connection and agreement, Henry’s destiny was to become a spicy dog-meat soup.”

Henry’s trauma was not over the second Claire and her team closed down the farm.

She recalled: “Having never known life outside of his tiny cage, Henry was scared of everything – even his own reflection. We wondered if his soul was permanentl­y broken.

“But, gradually, Henry built trust in us and the world.”

Two years ago, Claire signed Henry up as a therapy dog. The pair visit Grosvenor Lodge Residentia­l Home in Hove, East Sussex, every month.

Claire said: “We are so proud of Henry. He is a daily inspiratio­n and reminder to me that change is possible.”

Last month, the ruling party of South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol introduced a bill to ban the breeding and sale of dogs for consumptio­n.

Claire said: “It truly would be the best start to 2024.”

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? TRAPPED Henry with family members
TRAPPED Henry with family members
 ?? ?? MEETING Claire with Henry at the Korean meat farm
MEETING Claire with Henry at the Korean meat farm
 ?? ?? COMFORT Henry at the care home
COMFORT Henry at the care home
 ?? ?? HUGS His visits are always popular
HUGS His visits are always popular
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? PAWS UP Henry, seven
PAWS UP Henry, seven

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