Daily Mail

Judge praises brave mother of Letby victim for ‘never giving up’

- By Liz Hull

THE mother of a baby murdered by Lucy Letby was praised by a judge for ‘never giving up’ trying to find out why her daughter died.

Lady Justice Thirlwall told the sobbing woman she had ‘done everything’ for her child.

Known as Baby D, she was the third tot murdered by the neo-natal nurse at the Countess of Chester Hospital in two weeks.

During three hours of emotional testimony yesterday the mother, who cannot be named, said she contemplat­ed suicide and thought she was ‘losing her mind’ because ‘nothing made sense’ about her baby’s sudden death in June 2015. She fought to access her daughter’s medical notes, rejected doctor’s explanatio­ns for her cause of death and demanded an inquest. The mother even hired a solicitor and suggested police be called in, but was initially told it was not a criminal matter.

Lady Justice Thirlwall, who is heading an inquiry into Letby’s crimes, told her: ‘At great personal cost you have never given up and your evidence to the inquiry leaves everyone listening in no doubt of your determinat­ion and persistenc­e on behalf of your daughter and for you and your husband.

‘You have done everything you could.’

The hearing in Liverpool was told that Baby D was born three weeks early, weighing 6lbs 14oz. She was being treated on the unit for an infection when Letby attacked her three times in a single night shift, finally killing her with an injection of air. The mother also said CCTV inside the hospital nursery could have prevented the murder.

Every hospital in England with a neo-natal unit has been asked as part of the inquiry if they have considered installing CCTV in the wake of Letby’s killing spree. Baby D’s mother said she never had a conversati­on with Letby, but described feeling ‘very uneasy’ in her presence and that she ‘stood out’ as ‘odd’.

On the night her daughter died, she remembered Letby ‘doing nothing useful’ as medics fought desperatel­y to save her baby, adding: ‘She was just looking at us crumbling and crying.’ She also described how the doctor trying to revive her daughter had a phone to his ear while he was performing CPR and she later found out that staff had mistakenly believed it was another victim, Baby B, who had collapsed, not Baby D, and the other child’s mother had been called in error.

Letby had attacked twins Baby A and Baby B a week earlier, killing Baby A. Baby D’s mother suggested the confusion was created ‘maliciousl­y’ by Letby.

Baby D’s mother said that after her daughter died, things just ‘didn’t add up’. Doctors had said the child was responding to antibiotic­s, but the official cause of death was given as an overwhelmi­ng infection.

‘I just didn’t know if what I was doing was right but I kept thinking, “this is my daughter’s voice, I can’t give up here, so I will carry on even if I am on my own”.’ She accused the hospital of hiding informatio­n from the coroner.

The inquiry has heard that a report carried out by the Royal College of Paediatric­s and Child Health that was sent to parents in April 2017 had sections relating to Letby removed. Baby D’s mother said that if she had known suspicions about a member of staff had been raised, she would have gone to the police herself.

She added: ‘If I wasn’t failed in the first place by the Countess, my daughter wouldn’t have ended up in intensive care, I wouldn’t have ended up poorly and destroyed, and she wouldn’t have been in a place where someone was preying on babies.’

‘She was looking at us crying’

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